My eyes are probably deceiving me, but in the top pic she looks so top-heavy.
Goes well with the matching truck nutz!
Best sounding 458 with aftermarket exhaust? My pick would be these Japanese blokes from Technical Garage Sasaki. Here listen. You should check out their other exhausts for other high end exotics too. Ah, the good old days of F1.
should be 本気で?”really?” to be read Maji-de? 真剣 means “serious / sternness”, but doesn’t transcribe well to “seriously?”
Amen, as a Jalop I concur. “Save the Manuals!”
So, THEY (the enemy) have a crap truck. What’s not to celebrate?
I think the ogling timekeeper bro also came out
Is it just me, is football like some religious sect in some areas in the States...
driving skill sold seperately
Welcome to the club Turkey. You see all the western movies, games taking place in Japan? Most of it is not accurate. The Japanese are mostly played by other asian-american actors. The language, signage etc, mostly mumbo jumbo mish mash of all asian dialects. Nothing new, you’re taking this too seriously.
Expect Addidas and Nike to come out with commerative official “Olympic” Hazmat suits soon. Like this, but with rings on them.
ahh lobsters. at least they don’t give each other STDs like their other crustacean friends.
like they say, two wheels bad?
touche... He almost fell off a waterfall, ended up being tortured in jail...
Yeah, that is not something you see very often, fist bump, sure, but kissing? Papa John ain’t no Mother Teresa
give this man a beer!
I have witnessed firsthand, a bro surfing his way into North Korea!!
Manning is an honest man. I am sure he said “Omaha” before claiming that all of the allegations against him were fabricated.
I hate to be THAT GUY, but the Japanese in the title pic is all gibberish. Google translation, no doubt...