Yuni Kitadai

Bosozoku are kids (mostly up to about 20years old) rebelling against society, they have no money, so they steal motorcycles do cheap mods, DRIVE SLOWLY and RECKLESSLY(driving through red-lights etc). They want attention. They get caught by the cops, sent to juvie and they grow up. When they do not grow up and do that

The guys on the bikes=bosozoku the guys in the Lambo = ex bosozoku now a low ranking yakuza = professional criminal

best bang for the buc!

Yeah, but the title is misleading. For the people who live in Japan, and the people who have these vehicles available (Philippines, Thailand, Malaysia) we’ve seen plenty of these minivans (all of the ones in the photos) before we visit HK, and the article never mentions that they are indeed just JDM cars that the US

those are the bomb!

crabs mate, many crabs

A newer mature Delica? or the top heavy but more capable offroad older generation? I wanted the Chamonix Space Gear version, but the rear seats weren’t compatible when I tried to attach 4 child seats... I had to go with a Crysler T&C... By the way a Century V12 model? is a totally different class of car... classy

exactly, I don’t know why they said HK. The cars are there, yes, but they imported straight from Japan, including all the aftermarket parts and design cues. There is absolutely nothing that the people in HK added to the trend...

If these are new to you, then you’ve all never been to Japan, in the last 20 years. I mean c’mon all the aftermatket parts, the design cues everything is straight from Japan and old news. There is nothing here that HK has added to the design or trend... We all on this site surely must have known about these long

C’mon what he really wanted to say was, “Why aren’t terrorists driving the F-150, the best selling pickup truck in the USA? The sneaky Japanese must be up to something. ” In reality AA guns in the bed would probably void the warrantee, and Insurgance rates must be through the roof...

An electronic car that goes faster than 88mph? Blasphemy, I say.

Yikes! I need to open the 2 I have tonight... I assume they look similar to this...

Watcha Putin my drink, comrade?

Being grounded to the ground is good!


c’mon guys, we all know they aren’t coming back. Sure some of them are probably now swimming with the fishes, but if you lived in a hellhole that is the DPRK, and you have a barely traceable (even with modern tech) sub in your hands, and you finally receive the order to deploy, would you return on your own accord?

I understand what you are saying, but if we let this slide, you will have your local Camry salesman claiming that their car has the mobility of a Nascar race car. I know, they are just cosmetics (stickers) and the comparison to the Oshkosh case is a tad extreme, but still...

Well, someone in this world now has a heart of gold.

You had me up to “mobility of a Baja racer”. With that weight this is impossible, and looking at the video link, it is obviously no where near having the mobility of a Baja racer. That being said, cool truck. Needs more stance, though.

RIP Justin...