
Yeah, we forget that the Mooch said "trying." It's honestly funnier to picture Bannon in the back of a staff meeting, hunched over and wheezing, his tongue sticking out, and then letting out a whine of disappointment and wiping the sweat off his forehead.

I get the theory, but it seems like a real stretch when "chronic and severe depression" explains it equally well.

He's got a direct line to the administration. Unfortunately, I think he'll probably blow it, and be run out on a rail.

She is spinning, spinning. She says that she will never die.

Eh, the Cthulhu cult seems a little, how shall we say, "ethnic" for Bannon. Especially given that he's likely just the latest human incarnation of Nyarlothotep, the Worm Who Walks.

I'm gonna miss the cartoonists over at The Nib having a running contest to see who can do the most grotesque caricature of him.

Black pants and a navy jacket is not a little mistake.

Just like Roof's mass murder led to some people taking the Confederate flag down, these events are leading to a lot of places removing their monuments.

We need to adjust as a society, and soon, to seeing work as a burden we should be grateful to be freed from rather than a virtue we're lucky to have. Of course, that will involve making it so that employment isn't mandatory for survival or a decent life, so, uh… well, it's gonna take some work. And it's gonna be real

The Oatmeal in general is a hack website with the sense of humor of a pinheaded Redditor and the artistic spirit of a self-aware SEO algorithm.

Jesus, I just looked at his twitter. That's fucking sickening.

Two picks here, for two very different reasons.

You are like a little baby, with your bad movie that is simply a beautifully inept melodrama. I had to explain Fateful Findings to my parents once, who did not find "its grasp of narrative and editing is so poor that it will make you legitimately feel dizzy and physically unsettled in the way that even intentionally

Just explain to them that it's like a regular late night show, but that rules are out the window, and also, he breaks the rules.

Fun Akira fact: there's a bunch of colors of animation cel ink that only exist because that movie needed to look so damn good.

As a fellow lover of Southland Tales, I absolutely ditch trying to explain the plot when making the pitch for it. I just say that it's a big time capsule of Bush-era fear and anger, that Jon Lovitz is terrifying and violent, there's a musical number, and that it hurts the brain in a beautiful way.

Unfortunately, I won't really let myself share my old writing here, since a) it used my full name, and that of my writing partner, and I talk about both politics and, occasionally, Gamergate issues here, and b) we share a commenting program with Breitbart. I know it's paranoia, but, eh— I just saw a games writer I

I've waited literally my entire adult life for a Sonic game that made me feel as good as Mania does and I'm loving it. There's a few complaints (the level design is pretty spring-heavy, a couple of the bosses feel a little too finicky, so that even once you know what you're doing it can feel kind of trial-and-error to

I'm glad to hear it's good! I was always intrigued by Night Trap, but was never sure if it was actually a good game or just a fascinating oddity. If the remaster is actually intuitive and accessible, I'll definitely pick it up.

Good call on Hellblade's handling of mythological ultraviolence. One thing that struck me about it was that it approaches the myths the way their audience would— not just as cool stories, but as serious works to help us make sense of the world. Baldr's murder teaches us that death is unfair, Ragnarok that everything