
Alistair's gotta be #1 for me, just because I feel like his romance does a great job of giving him character growth and I love the way that he changes as a person by being around you. Back when I was co-authoring a blog about games, one of my favorite pieces I ever wrote was about him— how it was a relationship that

I hate to break it to you, but Braveheart has less of a notion than you do.

Having finished it this week, it's very, very much not that— it's about what a hell living with mental illness was in an age that didn't have medication or a clinical understanding of the human mind. The core thrust of the game is that Senua grew up troubled and constantly afraid, was isolated from other people

This is a homeboy!

I really don't think that "this white guy who uses the n word, calls people 'gay' and 'retards' as an insult, and thinks jokes about the Holocaust, rape, and 'ironic' racist humor are hilarious is probably a bigot" is really that big of a stretch in logic. I don't think he's a literal Nazi or adheres to a concrete

Well, more "Odin damn it," and then telling people to look at his 30,000 word exegesis of the role of goblins in LOTR's racial politics.

China White is a kind of heroin, that's what they mean.

Well, Hitler still killed someone while he was underground, but I'm not sure it was a loss.

Given that being underground makes it harder for them to spread their message and makes it more clear that their ideas are abnormal and unwelcome in society, while them being in public allows, say, the goddamn president to treat them as a normal political ideology deserving of consideration, then yes. Yes it is.

That may be the band themselves, though— I know Smith's been really uncomfortable with the song for years now. Which is a shame, as that opening riff was one of the first things I learned to play on guitar.

Ah, old punks. I love em, but they were pretty dumb.

Phil Collins is next!

I thought time worked like four balls on the edge of a cliff?

Well, and he used the N word multiple times. And used slurs against gay people and disabled people. And paid those guys to hold up a sign saying "Death to all Jews." So I don't really think you can write off all his bullshit as being just for laughs.

They're not Muslim, and Bibi said nice things about him.

Well, it's not his mother.

But Genesis does what Nintendon't.

The lead developer, Christian Whitehead, actually got the job because he directed the recent port/remaster of Sonic CD— which necessitated rebuilding the entire game from scratch, including a perfect recreation of the physics engine.

Nah, Sonic 2 is legitimately one of the best classic platformers ever made, and while 3&Knuckles has some dud stages, the art design and music is some of the best of its era. The series may be more bad than good overall, but there's a reason Miyamoto said that Sonic creator Yuji Naka was one of his favorite game

Here's a good way to keep the Carolinas straight: South Carolina is the worst.