
It's an amazing track and I can't believe something that chilly and moody was a damn pop hit.

I guess the main takeaway is that damn, Melt is a good record.

Joss is a sensitive guy who'll always be there for you, unlike that jerk on the football team.

Yeah, told us weird as hell that Firefly's thick patina of Lost Cause confederate imagery doesn't get brought up more, honestly.

Very well, Frank. Here's to your woop woop.

Just call them mis-ter but-ter-fingers.

You know damn well what it can be.

To quote one of the Coens' best movies: "He's a fucker."

I'll hang around unless the commenting becomes too damn laborious. I'm still not sure in what way Kinja is an actual improvement for the users.

Isn't the Philly PD, like, infamously corrupt and awful?

Alternately, let's get Michael Shannon to grab him by the collar and scream in his face.

There's zero chance Pence does not sleep with an old-timey Dickensian sleeping cap.

Haven't you heard? Eating ass is the trendy new thing.

Also surprising given how much Maher's defended statutory rape as not being a big deal.

Me and the miss watched that the first time on our first weekend after the election, when we desperately needed it. Perfect art therapy.

Wild At Heart is super underrated. Legitimately romantic and sweet despite its detours into nightmares, and the sexiest Nic Cage has ever been.

Nah, EC Comics believed in racists, swindlers, and assholes getting their just desserts.

Not nearly as much as people like to say, though. A bigger percentage of Sanders's primary voters voted for Hillary than Hillary's voters did for Obama in 08, for example, despite Hillary and Obama being much closer ideologically. That small contingent were more vocal about not voting, and had social media to amplify

Isn't the DM's cruel interpretation of the Wish spell for ironic effect supposed to punish the caster, though, and not the other players?

He sucks his own cock in the light and the shadow and he is a great favorite. He never sleeps, Bannon. He is sucking, sucking. He says that he will never die.