
Fragments is utterly brilliant and such a good centerpiece for his skills as a singer. I'm glad they're being good to you.

I love Con Air, but it is a 2-hour movie that feels like a 3-hour movie in which half the characters never advance the plot and Nic Cage gets to spend about ten minutes total kicking ass.

Look, I want to argue, but I also think Showgirls is a legitimately brilliant piece of filmmaking that was 100% intentional, so clearly I either understand Verhoeven on a much deeper level than you or I have raccoons living inside my skull.

I could watch a Face/Off for hooooours.

I love that they decided not to set it in the future, but still left every single sci-fi element from the original story plans. It just makes the movie feel like the whole movie's a weird fairytale and forces the audience to buy in completely to Woo's magical world.

It' seems an increasingly popular take, and for good reason— it's definitely the film of his that feels the most like he's meeting his audience halfway instead of letting them come into his play space. I don't feel it's his best, but I definitely won't tell anyone who says that it is that they're wrong.

I think it's more forgivable with Robocop, since the satire's more subtle and less integral to the film (not counting the incredibly unsubtle anti-corporate satire). It's still an amazing action film, even if you don't get elements like "action heroes are inhuman killing machines and Robocop's victory is a tragic

Only room for one overwrought Cage action movie, and it's gotta be the one that doesn't have an hour of fluff and where Travolta licks a teenage girl's face.

That is a hell of a top 5. Thanks so much for putting Face/Off so high; even if I wouldn't put it at #2, I love it to death and got giddy to see it up there.

Ha, joke's on you! I already look exactly like a famous and respected actor.

He's honestly up there with Brooks as far as their recurring guest stars go— just the right amount of world-weary cynical hack, while still taking pride in his work. Plus, he usually finds a weird angle or an odd bit of emotion that manage to give a charming sleazy energy to a character whose defining traits are

I feel compelled to point out that, not only would "4'33"" work, it would come up earlier alphabetically anyway.

I've said it before, but Idoru 100% called some of our weirder recent pop culture— I can forgive the guy for missing the mark on the Internet details if he's going to completely predict Hatsune Miku.

I won't lie, goatse always just evokes some nostalgia from me. An equal part of memories of the early weird web, and feeling good for that guy who wanted to make his asshole as big as possible and got to live his dream.

Hell, we had a Seeso subscription for two months and I'm not sure I could tell you what they were.

They've already moved to a service that lets you watch it for free, at least. I hope we get a season 2, since the cost of season 1 seemed to consist of hiring cameramen, spending $200 on sets and costumes, and renting a car for a week.

I'm gonna touch Torsy and wish that this week wasn't shit.

This is the one who was working for multiple authoritarian governments and forgot to tell Uncle Sam.

Yeah? By what about Paul Manafort?

It is in fact "neatly pump aiiiiiiir." And "SWEETLY."