
I really don't know how you can look at a title like "The Ultimate Jedi Who Wastes All The Other Jedi And Eats Their Bones" and think that Episode 8 is going to be boring, to be honest.

Maybe WIlford Brimley was just speaking Ewok and the whole thing was being translated? Fuck, man, I don't know— I can't explain Brimley.

Wait, I thought it was an ancient and mostly forgotten religion that most people thought was hocus-pocus, to the point that a worldly traveler like Han straight-up doesn't believe in the Force's existence?

Ah damn, you're right! Now I can't remember if I've actually been saying it wrong all this time, or if I'm just hazy because it's five in the morning.

8 really is incredibly strong, and arguably their cleverest season as far as the show's playing with postmodernism and self-awareness went. There's just a huge string of episodes that tweak the premise and push the boundaries, without going as far as later stuff like "Principal and the Pauper."

Oh yeah, it is just depressing how much momentum it loses once the actual plot starts. There's still good bits ("Lowenstein…"), but that first plotless half is so dense.

Well, now Sean doesn't get a cactus cookie.

Ratsafy, home planet, etc. My favorite line, and the one I use most often, is Roger Myers Jr.'s, "That's why you're still kids, 'cause you're dumb." Mostly for the way that he seems to get so dispirited halfway though and yet powers on with his nonsensical complaint. RIP Alex Rocco; you had one of the single greatest

Nah, tortoises are dry, while McConnell always looks unsettlingly damp.

It's alright.

Haha, yeah. "Operation" is so weird, because, between Cale's voice and the lilting melody, it feels like it should be a really pretty song, but it's so crowded with dark and weird imagery and noises that you cannot get comfortable.

There is— the ones we've seen have only been the ones released, and several more women have said he's communicated with them in a similar manner, both in DMs and in person, and persisted after being told that he was uncomfortable or that they wanted him to stop.

Yup! He's already pushing Pence's social conservatism, so I'd rather have a president who has those same bad ideals and isn't personally corrupt, at risk of international blackmail, dangerously short-sighted, and willfully ignorant of how international politics function. Thanks for checking, though.

Thanks for some calm— you're right, as far as I know of geopolitics. Kim's not a "madman"— he's an autocrat and rational actor who doesn't want a war he knows would result in his eradication, and he's using the threat of nuclear war as a deterrent.

And takes them, too!

I, too, have grown better at tit over the past few years.

Oh no, I made that decision a while back on my own— it was just going to be a real headache to deal with the way communication and information function, and a challenge I didn't feel up for. Besides, the subject matter I ended up choosing lets me watch The Seventh Seal as much as I want and call it research.

And Neil Breen advocates for the forcible eradication of the ruling class!

Please don't change the really good picture of toad. We need its beautiful innocence.

Thanks for this— I've been a big fan of the guy and his work and it's been legit difficult to process, so it's nice to get some professional discussion of it outside of the general internet shame spiral.