
Except that Gein's specific motive for creating a woman suit was that he wanted to become his mother— Harris creating a new motive, that Bill is a gay man who wants to become a woman, makes the character much more aligned with a trans identity, especially as the general public at the time didn't really differentiate

DonnaL never said that white people were opposed to it.

And yet here you are, being the most offended of all.

The "liberal echo chamber" element really breaks down when it comes to gender and trans issues sometimes. See also: constant pronoun misuse on the comment sections for the PWR BTTM articles, discussions of rape in Game of Thrones, any time Katie Rife includes her personal politics in an article.

I can try! The main character in the Jew of Malta is motivated by blatant anti-Semitic laws passed by a Christian government to fund the crusades, and both other Abrahamic faiths are shown as equally corrupt and completely willing to overlook everything he does for their own benefit. There's some ugly stereotypes, to

I really don't think drag is on the same level as a skit where the entire joke is that someone's gender is ambiguous and that person is referred to as "it" because they're androgynous.

For real. They're fucking bad, and I remember even as a kid catching them in reruns feeling like they were pretty mean-spirited and didn't have a purpose.

I believe that at the time they were casting it, the general consensus was that it was necessary to have a more known star and that it wasn't a major issue to cast a cis person— even over the past few years, these attitudes have changed. I know that some people involved have said that they regret it and wouldn't make

Nah, I'm a white man and I've never once experienced any kind of bigotry that resembles what the trans people I've spoken to go through on a weekly basis. Nothing about being a white man has really fucking sucked for me, honestly.

Yeah, I have recommended the film to people on the basis of "it's pretty good, but it's worth watching for the last five seconds alone."

Nick Robinson, of Polygon. Did some amazing video stuff (Car Boys is one of the weirdest, most ambitious Let's Plays ever), then turned out to have been sexually harassing a bunch of 18-year-old fans.

Oh yeah, I know it's totally irrational. But my brain loves chasing those sweet, sweet shame chemicals.

Very cool.

Swiss Army Man is mostly a comedy (in the sense that Vonnegut is— there's a sad and beautiful core to it), and Dano is very, very funny in it.

Yeah, the TFA review was… weird. Some good insight, but the Plinkett character feels like a product of what, in internet terms, was a generation ago— while I love the originals, it felt like Mike and the gang didn't quite know how to handle certain elements of the character now. I'm certainly not lamenting there being

If they put Iggy in the J Law role, it would have been film of the year. It also wouldn't have made any sense, since Iggy doesn't need cryogenics to be perfectly preserved.

If it's the theory about totalitarianism, it's one I can see— if nothing else, the movie really gets at how much we'll tolerate sinister things and swallow big lies if we find them to be convenient or feel like we'll get something out of it. There's a fundamental and horrifying wrongness that no one in the movie

A content creator I respected and thought was decent turned out to be a Grade-A creep, and now I feel like an enabler for telling so many people to check out his work, so that's probably the dominant thing in my pop culture consciousness for this weekend.

Goddamn, it says so much that Mitchum's last film role gave him two scenes in which I'm not sure he's even required to walk on camera, and yet he's still the most badass and intimidating part of a film where Lance Henrikksen plays a cannibal.

Oh, Ted Cruz has absolutely been planning to primary him since the Convention, both out of ambition and his bottomless hunger for attention. That's why he gave that smug speech that never mentioned him by name— so Cruz can claim to have never really supported him in the event he absolutely crashes.