
Most 3rd or 4th grade kids have to sit through lessons on how to write a formal letter, for some damn reason.

I voted for Ross Perot in my class's mock election because he said his favorite ice cream flavor was Rocky Road.

And the Mooch's wife just filed for divorce.

Huh, I guess the Kenosha Kid did after all!

Instead of going through here and personally apologizing to everyone, I'm just gonna make a post: I worked there for 18 months, I know the sales process was terrible, and most of us hated doing it but had to sell 80 bucks an hour or we wouldn't get on the schedule.

I'm glad you had a store that would drop the upsell after one refusal. Corporate policy was that they had to say no three times, but most of the employees at my store tried to, y'know, not actively drive customers away.

Ugh, that was a disgusting blend. Starbucks got way, way into making bizarre flavor combos that made no goddamn sense as tea— by the time I left they'd already rolled out a cucumber tea, marshmallow tea, and chocolate-flavored tea.

As someone who worked there for 18 months, I want to personally apologize about the upsell process. Most of us hated it too.

If she's anything like most of the Teavana employees I've known, probably a sense of relief.

Gee, Starbucks, it's almost as if you shouldn't have replaced half the teas with herbal fruity stuff that cost half as much or teamed up with Oprah to try and sell a tea that was just cinnamon water and was one of the most expensive things in the store.

And, to be fair, 48 Democrats— who maintained solid party unity, shows absolutely no signs of cracking, and kept even red state senators facing bad reelection odds completely in line.

Man, as a guy who spent a whole semester studying totalitarianism, and I just say that I'm really tired of people misusing "corporatist?" It refers to a corporal government, not a corporate one.

He's breaking down barriers by being the first jabroni in the West Wing.

Hahaha, time for the old turtle to go live in the swamp of despair.

I stand corrected, thanks! I hadn't considered the extent to which we could assign blame for the Pol Pot regime to Johnson's actions/inaction, but you're definitely right that he should not be considered blameless.

Ubiquitous Chip in Glasgow, 2010. I'd only wanted to go to the restaurant because Alastair Gray— Scotland's greatest postmodern author* and a stunning artist —had done murals for its walls earlier in his career, and his novel Lanark was the main reason I was visiting Glasgow at all.

Kennedy's reputation as a lothario is really exaggerated, as he had tons of war injuries and chronic illnesses that made basic human functioning an ordeal. The man's torso was riddled with shrapnel, his stomach didn't work well, he had a terrible back, and his liver was basically nonfunctional. JFK was basically

Probably not— by all accounts, including his own, he didn't even have to try.

I would also argue that the damage was much more contained. While Vietnam still devastated the region, it didn't lead to a generation-long war (in just two years, kids who were born on 9/11 will be eligible to serve in Iraq), and didn't destabilize the entire region to the extent that our invasion of Iraq did (if I'm

Thank you for making this point.