
I can tell you that you're right on regarding that final point— I get called an SJW a fair bit and try to be a nice, sensitive person, and I grew up in the shithead Internet and used to be all about edgy humor. I think it's because a lot of folks were fairly heavily shaped by internet subcultures, and thus were

Have you heard him in any recent episodes? I'm not sure he's voiced by an actual actor at this point.

This is literally the plot of Pattinson's film Cosmopolis.

Really good in Lost City of Z, too. It took me half the film to recognize him.

He'll have to catch and eat him first!

But also Jeff Mangum, the whitest man alive.

Less people own iPhones than they do all other brands combined. More people use iPhones than any one other type of phone. It's still the most popular phone.

They also do a variant on it in "Homie the Clown," when all the funny place names Krusty lists are Native American names— but I think that including Seattle on the list makes it work, since it turns the joke into "Homer is a buffoon who thinks that any unusual word is funny."

Fink is about the intrusion of chaos and senselessness into an ordered system, so I'd say that's a pretty good start.

It's also a beautiful ending for the way it dovetails with McCarthy's Blood Meridian. Both books end with a vision of a man moving through the West, kindling fires— but whereas in Blood Meridian, he's moving alone, starting fires in the dark, in No Country, it's become a chain of men, passing the flam to one another.

Honestly, while their Kid A review is the biggest laughingstock, I've always hated their review for The Mountain Goats' We Shall All Be Healed the most. The reviewer spends half the review complaining that the band sold out by going hi-fi, misquotes the lyrics and then complains that the lyrics don't make sense, and

Yes, it does cost more per capita. But it's also not like the army has a special procedure— they pay for any medical service prescribed and covered by insurance. Saying that gender confirmation treatment is too expensive to justify retaining trans soldiers is like saying we shouldn't hire women because their

I upvoted, but mostly out of sheer orneriness.

It's more that cone and ball game from Star Trek.

I remember seeing a documentary on Rocky and Bullwinkle when I was a kid, and she seemed ancient even then.

I'm pretty heavily invested in the McElroy family of products myself— My Brother, My Brother, and Me and The Adventure Zone mostly.

Good news! They just announced that they're increasing the amount of pony meat in the nutriloaf they feed the inmates in immigration detention centers!

HRT isn't just a luxury healthcare cost though— Manning was on constant suicide watch, in large part due to issues related to her gender identity. Paying for HRT and other gender confirmation procedures helped alleviate the dysphoria and make her less likely to commit suicide. It's as vital as providing

It's from Pitchfork's review of the album, which I think they may have actually deleted out of shame.

"Ah hell, I'm drippin' again."