
It's like watching a child be born stillborn and then watching her play in the afterlife on IMAX.

Well, he doesn't fuck his mom. He just gives her such a lovely evening that she immediately dies that night. And then he takes down an organized crime syndicate, and then the movie ends by whimsically revealing the existence of an ancient Jewish conspiracy to guide and shape society via magical shoes.

And then he straight-up kills a man with a shoe, and his kindly guardian angel disposed of the body for him, and he puts on his dad's shoes and dates his own mother.

I still haven't gotten around to Rectify (although I've bee meaning to), but I know that it is famed for being slow and quiet— what I know of the show definitely suggests some similar DNA. Deadwood may have gunfire, stand-offs, and lots of cursing, but the show's bread and butter is everyday conversation and a sense

As a person who watched The Cobbler and then couldn't stop trying to explain The Cobber to my friends, this sounds exactly like my kind of movie.

There's less of Deadwood to get through, so that may be the tiebreaker. Also, Deadwood is one of the greatest shows ever and has a quiet humanism and a restrained, unhurried narrative style that makes it pretty unique among the top crop of prestige dramas.

If Sicario didn't do it, Arrival definitely established Villeneuve as one of the most exciting directors currently working. Can't wait to see what he does with Blade Runner.

Plus, like the T-1000, they're white as hell, love police dress-up, pose a danger to people in hospitals, and a slightly-reprogrammed Arnold is currently trying to subvert their unnatural advantages.

McCain suffered hard and sacrificed a lot to try and save his fellow soldiers.

I don't think there's a single comedy of the 21st century I admire more than Walk Hard. The sheer, stunning commitment on display, from the wonderful music to the increasingly dense levels of parody and metanarrative (An example of what this movie did to my brain: the inclusion of the "real" Dewey Cox over the end

I don't recall much about the movie, but I remember him being fantastic in that scene. That, and the fact that, like, the first scene of the film establishes that Wells is a socialist, which I'm glad they acknowledged.

I love how comically long this is, because David Warner has been in everything. Time Bandits made the man a fixture of my childhood, and since then it's been twenty years of getting excited whenever I see his name roll by in the credits.

Yeah, for small, relatively cheap films, they've got an astonishing bench of actors to draw from, and even the small parts are perfectly cast. I'd also be on board with getting a prequel or something involving Ruby Rose's character— she was a pretty great action villain, and, like a lot of that film's elements, it

A lot of specialist retail places have gotten nicer over the years, just because more of the customer base is getting made up of enthusiasts and customers don't have to shop there. I know my local neighborhood record store is full of helpful, enthusiastic people, because that High Fidelity shit will not work with a

I always did "Blister in the Sun," but I was an obvious teenage malcontent in a Bauhaus shirt, so I don't think anyone was surprised.

Eh, sure. John Wick 2 was the first time since Fury Road I walked away from a film thinking, "Hey, I'd like to know more about that movie's universe," and it's not like the films are huge on plot and narrative. If the quality stays consistent and we get more Ian McShane and Lance Reddick, I'm down, as long as they

How do you bury a point by dedicating a full paragraph in a four-paragraph article to explaining it?

HistoryofMatt just takes whatever position is the most contrarian and lets him complain about how the AV Club, a pop-culture website that spun off a comedy website, foretells the death of Real Journalism as part of the Regressive Left's social justice war on free thought.

Or we could just let a mountain lion into Morrissey's house for fun and amusement.

I'm pretty sure that sleeping with most of us here requires some level of brain disease as a prerequisite.