
Oh wow, I'm excited for this. I love Fletcher Hanks's stuff— weird and violent and utterly unhinged. Glad to see Fantomah come back.

You think that's bad? Scalia claimed to be pro-life and died anyway.


Yeah, but, y'know, a Mormon party. Woo-hoo.

Finally saw Get Out, after months of dithering. Really solid, and I liked that it was unafraid to get cruel or blunt. Peele's comedy background really shows— it's very, very funny, a lot of the best scenes straddle a painful line between awkwardness, dread, and cringe comedy, and he has a sketch comic's eye for

True Romance is such a weird script— it feels like a prototype for Tarantino's other work, but also like a parody of him. If you didn't know it was by him, you'd think it was one of the wave of Tarantino knockoffs of the mid-to-late 90s.

Subtitled Klingon, good lord.

Everything about my being screams in horror at the thought of a Blue Velvet remake, but damn said seeing Harrison Ford play a psychotic rapist manchild who embodies everything vile in the American consciousness wouldn't be fun.

They're not even the two best showrunners to have directed Ian McShane.

No, but the plantations that supported the slave trade— which killed, by many estimates, sixty million people over its duration— are tourist attractions. You can go tour the slavehouses, where millions of people were raped, sold, and murdered. Lots of people hold their weddings there.

I'm gonna get pedantic here and point out that your hypothetical doesn't work, as Hitler is dead in the Wolfenstein universe, and the Nazis in fact won under Totenkopf's leadership.

The average comic book purchaser is 35.

I just miss that element of "everyone is a middle-aged schlub just trying to get by" that never makes it to the screen in Dick adaptations. The book worked because it was so un-sensational and plain.

Hell yeah. I was never into Wolf Parade as much as I was Krug's side work, but this is still damn exciting.

Good God I love Randy Newman. "Rednecks" predicted all of this, too.

Diddy delenda est.

So how young do you like 'em?

You would, in fact, be hard-pressed to find middle-aged men who exclusively date teenaged girls. Or who married a 15-year-old.

There's really not a huge gap between R. Kelly and Mason Verger, is there?

Cook-Out. Cheap and magical stuff.