
In Ricky's defense, I haven't seen him trot out that bit in a while. Maybe after years of being told over and over that it made him look like a sneeze, he finally got the idea.

Three Chik-Fil-A sandwiches, my man.

"That's a great tie. You look like a thermometer!"

In their defense, they have to work with Ted Cruz, who harvested most of their souls for his phylactery.

You're telling me. I live in NC, baby— I can go buy a barbecue sandwich and a milkshake at 4 a.m., and the milkshake will have a bible verse on it for light reading.

In all fairness, I have been to Taco Bell at 9:30 a.m. before when it was absolutely the end of my day.

"characters (often men) frozen by personal crises; allusions to the life of the poet Arthur Rimbaud; college-curriculum references that illuminate nothing except the writer’s own limited tastes…"

I do for any scenes that feature Bobby Peru.

Hey, I just wanted to say thanks for your comments throughout this section. They've been even-tempered and informative!

Every frame of this footage of pro-democracy dissidents looks like someone's last known photo.

I think that, following a standard line of succession, Killer Mike would be Sec of State? I'm sure he'd be a moderating influence.

Apparently, Remix to Ignition not being good.

He'd have to be as coked up as James Woods to consider that.

I normally don't like pun threads, but this one's golden.

Is Kellyanne Kanye still posting? I remember that one getting really weird at times.

Hey, "late teens." Let's be honest, this is better than any of us expected.

For real— the man's first movie as Kermit involved a scene where Kermit and Piggy mourn their dead son and he makes it work. Dude's earned the right to be protective of the character.

Yeah, it took me a while to get into it. I was in a pretty sour mood from the movie being immediately preceded by a few absolutely terrible, awful trailers, which didn't help.

Being the getaway driver makes him accessory to a whole bunch of murders. Of cops. Which, being committed in the pursuit of a felony, would be first-degree. In a southern state. I liked the movie a lot, but Baby would absolutely be executed in the real world.<\spoiler>

It's almost scary how good it is.