
Man, between this and Romero, the 16-year-old me who got way into horror films and Ed Wood movies is just devastated.

The "Home? I have no home" speech brought me to tears on my most recent viewing. The way he plays Bela as exuberantly giving a hammy performance while still having the real pain and sadness shine through— a triumph of a performance, and maybe the best scene in any Burton movie.

I think it was Funk Pop maintenance, actually.

People who don't like Day of the Dead can take their criticisms and choke on 'em.

Tobe Hooper could have directed nothing else but videos on Beanie Baby maintenance and still established himself as a master of the craft for the scene where Dennis Hopper erotically buys a chainsaw.

Well put— I love the old EC horror stuff, and you're absolutely right on Dawn being its successor, from the gross-out horror, blunt social commentary, and moments of weird, morbid beauty.

RIP, you wonderful scamp. Out of that wave of low-budget, independence-minded filmmakers, Romero may have been the scrappiest and most inspiring. The man changed filmmaking, horror, and pop culture forever, and he did with a bunch of big ideas, untrained amateurs, and a shoestring budget.

When Moffat stepped up, I was so, so excited that a guy who'd written a bunch of stand-alone episodes that I'd loved was going to run the show.

Hell, I'd go back to the show if Jonathan Banks took over the role.

Also, Star Trek's future and spaceships are the beigest, most boring ones. I love the show, but the Next Gen Enterprise looked like a medical billing office and moved like a shrimp barge, and everyone dressed like dorks.

Ted Cruz said that he preferred Kirk to Picard, because Kirk's a red-blooded conservative American. You know, the guy who had a whole movie about saving the whales, and another one that was a metaphor for deescalting the Cold War that paid tribute to Adlai Stevenson.

Hell, if that's the most depressing connection you can make between blankets and American history, consider yourself lucky.

Nah, it's bad. I never liked it.

Jesus, and people say leftists are ideological purists.

"Experimented with legal procedures" is an awfully kind way to describe embracing the death penalty as a campaign platform. He may not have purposefully destroyed black communities, but he ran on a crime policy that disproportionately kills black people. He failed to veto a bill that maintained a 100-to-1 sentencing

I'll give you most of those, but empathy is not a trait I associate with a politician who executed a mentally disabled man as a campaign stunt.

Busy being Attorney General.

Hey, hey, let's be fair.

For real— I read the whole trilogy as a kid, and it wasn't until I started seeing Tolkien nerds discussing it on this website that I knew that Gandalf wasn't just, like, a really smart guy who knew magic.
