
I like it, but I look back on the time I spent playing it and I feel a little disappointed in myself. I could have finished The Witcher 3 with that time. Or, more likely, played Bloodborne twice more.

Yeah, the one-two punch of Fallout 3 and Bioshock over those couple of years made me a real true believer in that era of pop.

Fallout 1 was made for 20 bucks and a bunch of mail-in coupons, though.

Oh yeah, it's the gold standard for DLC. Old World Blues does Bethesda Fallout better than Bethesda does, and The Burned Man might be the best character in the whole series.

I don't know if you played the DLC, but there's a ghoul pop star who basically IS Dean Martin.

I think a big part is that a lot of people have forgotten how rare it was at the time for music to foreground synthesizers, and how strange and unwieldy those early Moogs were. Hell, the only reason I have a sense of how historically unprecedented it was is because I took a course on the physics of sound from a

Oh, I absolutely will as well— I just think that, out of all the movies I've seen, it's the one least likely to actually exist and not be a weird dream that I and Canada share.

If it were a real country, would Phantom of the Paradise have done so well there? I think not.

Especially now, when the Nice Guy archetype has really been codified and we all know/have been guys like Duckie.

If a guy says that he's going to kill someone, they get murdered, he directly benefits, does favors for the people identified as the murderers, friends of his say that they were talking to the murderers while working for him, he refuses to blame the murderers even after multiple agencies identify them, and multiple

Fun fact: we have the movie Drive because Nicolas Wending Refn got hammered on cough syrup and broke down sobbing while singing to an LCD Soundsystem song, causing Ryan Gosling to think, "Huh, I guess this guy isn't the aloof asshole I thought he wasl." I don't know much about their music, so that's the most I can

Yeah, when I flagged that comment, it was pretty odd that "the use of racial slurs" was not one of the options. I checked "spam," because sure, I guess it does contribute nothing to the conversation.

Oh no, we CAN see Chris Christie, we just try to look away.

Please, the Predator left vulnerable women alone.

My dad got way into a Dawes song last year and would not understand why I couldn't keep a straight face.

Calling it a gender imbalance even undersells it— I think it was several hundred to one, to the point that most men using the site never interacted with a non-bot woman.

We came close— most of DT's speeches are one step away from My Buddy Keith stories.

Fair point— I live with mental illness, and even I get too eager to rush to the armchair diagnoses.

Nah, I have literally never seen HistoryofMatt take part in a conversation where he did not come off as boorish.

[adjusts tie; checks watch.]