
This franchise does not seem entirely stable.

Really? Based on his conviction, I thought Mahky was more of a Grand Wizard.

Someone has to make a movie in which he, Brian Cox, and Malcolm McDowell all wander around having fun and being vastly overqualified.

Have you considered making German friends?

Thank you for this, Sean.

Good call on the O'Connor comparison.

It's a really funny movie.

That music was gorgeous, too. A very Morricone vibe.

A band billing itself as having "former Kansas singer John Elefante" is like slapping "featuring Batman star Val Kilmer" on your movie poster. It's technically true, but come on— the dude sang on two records in the 80s for a past-their-prime 70s rock band who was replacing their actual lead singer and got fired the

I also gotta make a recommendation in the same vein of "trippy, allegorical fiction for 8-year-olds" as The Phantom Tollbooth and suggest Michael Ende's Momo. It's a beautiful, humanist work about the need to waste time and spend your childhood goofing off, with some really cool, imaginative stuff in it. I didn't read

Well, I haven't seen that Carole King special in probably twenty years at least, but yep, there's the Chicken Soup song worming its way through the dark matter of my brain.

Hey, that's my favorite Yeats poem!

Get me a mesh tank top and a bucket of cocaine, and I'll see what I can do.

Is the sports car built with child slave labor Cars Tom Cryise's wife?

I'm pretty sure that book is about my old Subaru.

He's a fucker.

I have a fairly unusual name. To date, the only person since childhood who's made fun of it when talking to me was an asshole named Lester.

I don't feel that strongly about it, but yes, the TV comparison would make sense if the hotel chain was offering you a special package based on watching movies and then put shitty CRT TVs in every room.

Haha, true— I always forget that as glammy and vampy as the band's aesthetic was, the actual credentials to back it up are a little iffy.

And no judgment on you for it! Until our 13-year-old Jetta started pouring smoke, we were a Jetta and PBR household. But we also weren't selling staying at our house as a luxury experience.