
Correct on all counts. Vaughn was also involved in the bar fight— it was an altercation between him and a local, and, in true Buscemi character fashion, Buscemi got knifed in the face and groin for trying to get everyone to calm down.

I was never on set, but I did see them filming pretty frequently. Occasionally you'd have to detour through downtown to get around the shoots. I don't really have any interesting stories, though, since I was pretty young at the time.

Fuck yeah, Dawson's Creek.

Thank you so much for putting this movie on my radar, IV. It should go without saying that I love this kind of film, and I'm seeking this out as soon as absolutely possible.

Hey, The Jew of Malta would probably have gone over better with the Fox crowd.

Ann Coulter is a horrible bigot, and we will call her transphobic slurs and talk about how she's hideously uneomanly until she realizes that bigotry is wrong.

In his defense, that's a lot of people of the left's first response to awful conservative women too.

I love that the commie in this game is a Guthrie-style style Southern/Appalachian working-class leftist. The series has been really good about tying in real history and acknowledging America's own sins— I'm thinking of Jimi in New Order, commenting that "back home, man, people like you were the Nazis."

So they can sell multiple copies of them and encourage people to buy them new and early, while there's a more active player base.

I'm hesitant, but I really love Ancel and I'm happy for him. Given how stunning the last two Rayman games he made were, I trust him where he's taking me.

I think there was one where Cosby got m-pregged and gave birth to a boat? I vaguely remember that, and I was too young to be having mescaline flashbacks at the time.

It's legitimately one of the best-written games I've ever played, when it absolutely didn't have to be.

The developers— or at least one of the original directors— confirmed that his parents were immigrants and he's Jewish on his mother's side, which makes it all the sweeter.

So they put Nazis on the internet.


I will push the "Obama is America's Claudius" idea until the day I die.

Jesus too.

Wait, which case did he win? The child custody case, which he lost for being crazy? The Chobani case, which he settled, because he was indefensibly wrong?

You're not familiar with the term ATM?

Or at least a thing or two about basements.