
Technically, that wasn't a man-fish hybrid, but an Egyptian prince cursed by the gods to take the form of a fish-man and be forever reborn until he had learned enough about being human to free himself and seek his true love.

I can only imagine what that must be like.

Morrowind is my favorite game of all time, and playing it on the Xbox was a transformative moment, but I'm gonna recommend the PC version— if nothing else, being able to console-command your speed and carrying capacity higher makes it much easier to dive into now, and while I'm not mod-crazy, it's nice to be able to

Just follow the sound of a thousand screeching cliff racers.

I actually like that Altair is a humorless asshole. He's got a decent arc, and he's something besides a cocky adventurous rogue. I like that he's a video game character striving for stoicism and self-control, and there's a monastic edge to his character that feels really unique.

Macbeth would be my pick— kind of dumb, easily motivated by spite, has a tendency to betray people without realizing how it's going to play out or how obviously guilty it makes him look, and wanted to be king mostly to prove that he deserved it rather than to do anything with his power.

Shakespeare's Caeasar is a decent man, but the play has some sympathies with Brutus and his concerns about Caesar's striving for power. Brutus is torn between a personal sense of honor (an opposition to tyranny) and the fact that to kill Caesar is a transgression against the cosmic order. I've always seen it as

Hmm, a conceited sociopath who's too close to certain family members, immediately preceded by an unfairly-maligned cool-tempered intellectual who focused on infrastructure, and before that by a brain-damaged boy-king trying to recreate his father's military victories? Checks out.

It's weird, too, because the genesis of this genre— and a game that Destiny owes a huge debt to— is Phantasy Star Online, which had three radically different schools of character classes. Not to mention how many of them, especially Borderlands, are drawing influence from Diablo, but with a vastly narrower focus on

It's so incredibly noticeable, and it frustrates me that gamers don't seem to think about the impact that writers and directors can have on a series. You want to know why Half Life 3's never coming out? All the series' writers quit. Why did Bethesda's games start getting boring main storylines? Michael Kirkbride left.

Oh no, I can see that it's a joke. It's just, you know, a nakedly-racist joke, like the original poster said they weren't aware of Maher making.

Yeah, people complain about the West Batman not taking the character seriously, but it's more grounded and human than the comics were at the time.

That coke fiend?

There's a little shitty B-movie called Omega Cop that I picked up on DVD, largely because Adam West was in it. He spends the entire movie in a bunker, explaining to the protagonist that he can't let him into the bunker. When it's about to be breached by mutants, Adam West proposes to his secretary with the ring from a

The Gospel of Luke passes a lot of blame onto the Jews, with Pilate trying to let Jesus go and the Pharisees and Jewish citizens demanding he be executed— likely for the exact reason you mention, which was to convince the Roman government that the Christian church didn't blame Rome and wasn't an anti-Roman

Decent money to be made pissing on his bed, too.

I'm hoping the good Scott Walker just walks into the statehouse and quietly takes over.

“This is where I want a real black president. I want him
in a meeting with the BP CEOs where he lifts up his shirt so we can see
the gun in his pants.” —Bill Maher, being really racist on Obama's handling of the BP oil spill.

There Will Be Blood isn't even PT Anderson's best movie, let alone the best of this century— and sometimes I feel like I just imagined A Serious Man, seeing how often it misses lists like this.

…maybe? We murdered the Rosenbergs for it. This is all very new territory for us. Do you have any books on Charles I we could look through?