
We're investigating him for espionage, okay? We're doing our best.

Yeah, a collection of antique Japanese pornography, and a character's reverence for its artistry, is a major part of the story.

I get a lot of cassettes because they're fun to have in my car, which has a tapedeck but not an aux jack. I got Construction Time Again, Sign o' The Times, and Painkiller for about 2-3 bucks each.

Was a cassette not retro enough already?

"Your wife doesn't wanna live with you and be First Lady? Bring your daughter, dummy, she's a girl."

There's nothing illegal about it, sure. Which makes it a nice change of pace from other stories about Kurt Eichenwald and pornography.

—The Handmaiden (2016), dir. Park Chan-Wook

No, but it was payment to a child pornographer for undisclosed reasons (Eichenwald hadn't decided to write an article about him, so it wasn't paying a source— he just gave a guy running a child porn web ring a lot of money), and a failure to report child pornography to the authorities.

Hey, not the worst porn Eichenwald's looked at and then tried to excuse.


You can make art out of the Skinner box, though. Hotline Miami was one of the best experiences I've had in gaming because it put me in a spiral of excitement, satisfaction, and self-loathing, and worked with a sense of personal culpability that could only exist in the medium.

I'd love another car-fighting game, especially one with Nintenso's style. I played the hell out of Vigilante 8: Second Offense back on my Dreamcast.

"Hey you! Fat fuck bird! …unless you'd rather be… DEAD. Fat fuck bird."

He's said before that he really want to work with Tarantino, which would give me boundless joy.

yeeep yep yep yep yep yep yep.

Absolutely. I know FKA Twigs calls her music punk as well, which I'm not going to debate.

This seems like a good time to bring up that Ivanka's book took a quote fromToni Morrison's Beloved, about the scars that slavery can leave on the eoul and how no one is ever free of it, and applied it to the concept of "don't get stressed out about checking your email too much."

I think there's an argument to be made for punk as both an artistic ethos and as a musical style, which sometimes overlap. Like, FKA Twigs also calls her music punk, and I'm not gonna fight her on that. Releasing a hip-hop album to lukewarm reception and saying "fuck it, I'm Prince now," then just deciding that your

I really loved Awaken! My Love, but does anyone else feel like Glover might have been the weakest part of his own album? While I really liked his vocals when he was being either in stressed-out rocker mode or falsetto soul mode, he felt like he was kind of out of his depth as a singer when he tried to get funky and

No, it's the children who are wrong.