
Same here on both counts. I'd demolish that thing with a couple big squirts of Kewpie mayo and hot sauce.

Yeah, same here. It feels too much to me like playing into their beliefs— insulting someone by saying they're gay doesn't become magically okay if you don't really mean it. I'm sure Putin doesn't like it when people make gay jokes about him, but those only work as insults if you buy into that worldview. Making a

CB is awesome and is really accessible to non-anime-freaks. Good characters, lots of great self-contained episodes, and really neat animation. It's one of the best sci-fi shows around, and I had zero interest in anime outside of Akira and a few Ghibli films when I saw it.

I hate that I understand this.

I hope Ron Perlman apologized by getting uncomfortably close and whispering "penitenzigate" repeatedly.

You're not. They roll Hank into the open grave left behind by Walt's money.

I doubt it— that body hadn't been out there for the years the woman's husband had been missing. It's more likely that it's the civilian Hector had killed as a result of Mike's previous heist.

Exact same reaction here. On at least a weekly basis, I end up doing the "tooooo late! Tooooo late!" and head-wobble at my fiancée.

It's less a "how," more of a "what," and that "what" is "the punchbowl."

Eh, sure. It's not a good movie by any stretch, but he acquits himself fine— the man views acting as a sacred art, so it's not like he ever phones it in. And his need to make a quick buck also leads to movies like Drive Angry, which is amazing.

"Beard-themed meat-nightmare" is also how most people in my life would describe me.

So like Kerouac then?

Yeah, but it's Shostakovich's Eighth Quartet, which makes it pretty hard to get in the mood.

The oil driller with Space Madness is Steve Buscemi. I can't hate a movie in which Buscemi loses his mind and a character has to urgently intone, "He's got space madness!"

It's a masterpiece, and as someone who's built an annual tradition out of watching Vampire's Kiss and has seen it eight times, I'd like to inform everyone reading this: that video barely scratches the surface of that movie's deep well of madness. The movie's plot is literally "Nicolas Cage's character goes insane over

He's so good as a deadpan straight man because he takes the laconicism and stoicism to the same extremes he'd normally take his nuttiness. It takes the badass, unflappable nature of your Seagal and Schwarzenegger action heroes and just turns it into laid-back chill.

It's pretty much just behind the Raising Arizona unkempt explosion and Vampire's Kiss's gradually-disintegrating yuppie forelock in the Cage Wacky Hair Pantheon.

Produced by Bruckheimer, during the time when the two of them were first working around each other and developing their styles. It's definitely a blueprint for a lot of Bay's later work, especially Armageddon, which goes for a similar pitch but isn't he cartoon Con Air is.

Haha, yeah. Buscemi's great. Like half the movie's cast, he's totally unnecessary and contributes nothing to the plot, but I love that he's just hanging out, untroubled by everything that's happening.

Nicolas Cage is my favorite actor and I love almost every performance he's done.