
I dunno—"making liberals mad" seems to be both his and the GOP's main value these days. I think there's room for him.

“This is where I want a real black president. I want him in a meeting with the BP CEOs where he lifts up his shirt so we can see the gun in his pants."

"Stop acting surprised someone choked Tila Tequila! The surprise is that someone hasn’t choked this bitch sooner.”

And a racist one, too!

Articulate people don't blunder their way into jokes about racial slurs that require public apologies from their parent network. And tireless Trump critics don't have Breitbart writers on their show so they can agree about how much they hate liberals.

That's a fair point! It depends on the job— a lot of places have a zero-tolerance policy on the N word and other racial slurs (I work in a field that handles a lot of harassment issues, so I've seen policies that vary a lot from company to company). But, in this metaphor, Maher would have been on thin ice as far as

Do you really think that "good for you, pat yourself on the back" has ever been uttered in a non-sarcastic manner in the history of communication?

The thing is, though, that no one in this thread is saying that he doesn't have the legal right to say it, as you yourself said. People are saying that they're okay with him being disciplined by his employer or losing advertisers.

I believe in free speech, make jokes, and believe I have a right to say whatever I want.

To quote Strangers With Candy on the exact same question: "it's only one word, how much play can there be?"

Not only would someone have the right to fire this hypothetical employee, they'd have a legal obligation to— the use of racial slurs in the workplace is Hostile Work Environment 101 and opens the company up to harassment suits by other employees if it's not addressed.

There's not an equivalence— one is a message of inclusivity, and one is a racial slur. Saying that people have legal and moral rights to say what they want doesn't mean we forfeit all rights to say whether that's acceptable or that we have to treat all speech as completely equal in intention and content.

Hey, you're telling a non-white person that you get to decide
If they should or shouldn't be outraged by a white person using the most offensive word in the English language. Not a great look.

Yeah, from what I've seen he's just a chill guy who wants to have fun, be happy, and doesn't know what instrument Squidward plays. It's impossible to get mad at the dude. That would be like getting angry about Jimmy Buffett.


I'm gonna go with Harrison, just because he was in pretty gross condition during his presidency.

I'd presume, from the review, that the film is a D+ quality and that IV uses the exact same metric I would in assuming that "getting Brian Cox a paycheck" is a positive attribute worth one letter grade.

No, Hopkins is the one who did the scene with the brain.

For real. Churchill basically wanted to kiss War square on the lips while sneaking in a quick squeeze of Conquest's ass.

You raise some cogent points, but you should be aware you're replying to a gimmick poster that only posts Arthur Schopenhauer quotes.