
No, it's not sweetened— it uses fruit oils and the like, like the Perrier. It just tastes less like fruit flavoring than most other seltzers do, and more like the actual fruit.

I'm just so proud of him.

Thanks! I didn't know he'd been the reviewer on that. Dowd likes fun, well-made movies and I just get tired of people complaining about him being some arthouse snob because he also likes indie films and wasn't crazy about Iron Man 3.

I don't know if Dowd reviewed it, but this site gave GOTG2 a B, meaning it's just a tiny bit above this one. He gave The Wolverine a B and did criticize it for having good fight scenes without much substance or meaning to them. He also gave Avengers 2 a B-, just like this movie, and had similar criticism, and famously

It tastes a little better and is a little less sweet, so it "feels" healthier, plus I think it has more national brand recognition.

No, that's Peter Thiel. Musk is just using his employees' neural systems to augment his own cybernet.

That was the exact argument I brought up the last time he and I talked, but he's still beating that drum.

That's an understatement. You could edit her entire character out of BvS and not only would it not impact the film negatively, it would actually make the movie flow better and make more sense.

It's a kickass song, but whenever it actually came up in the movie I cracked up. They'd just be fighting, and then it would cut to WW, and the guitar would start up. It felt like there was just a Doof Warrior following her around playing her theme.

Dowd gave Fury Road an A- and later said it was his pick for Best Picture.

A lot of people are giving solid, well-reasoned answers, but the answer is really simple: because The Dark Knight was long.

Manimal's recent thing has been harping on the fact that the DC movies have better minority representation than Marvel, because those are the only two movie studios that exist and his favorite team winning is the only thing that matters.

Go back to Holland.

Totally on the money— Sparrow was cool in the first one because he was a sidekick character who had no reason to be as weird and crazy as he was, and Depp was just going nuts. He felt like a disruptive force of chaos because he was stealing the movie; you can't make him the lead.

What, you think he wipes himself?

They need do way instain president who tweet covfefe

Kahv-feef, myself.

Three hours. Still up.

When Powers Boothe died, I couldn't stop thinking of his line from Deadwood: "If those are your last words, tell the good lord you died stupid." It's nice to finally have a chance to use it.

As someone who's way into nice food and cooking but also ordered a Jack in the Box Chicken Tater Melt Munchie Meal last week I completely understand the analogy. Hell, I really like some lighter pulpier literarure. But there are so, so many people who seem to have read Harry Potter, loved it, and never seemed to