
Plus, Rockwell's performance in Seven Psychopaths makes up for, like, five not-good movies. That's one of the most dizzying and rich comic performances I've ever seen.

I find a pretty good indicator of how much I want to hear someone's opinion on that movie is whether or not they want to argue that people directly involved in the buying and selling of slaves didn't deserve to get shot (like Candie's sister, who, it's implied, was the one who bought Django's wife).

Except, ironically, when he agreed to be in Mr. Right.

I really don't see how an activist complaining about a joke is douchier than a celebrity making a joke making fun of the existence of accommodations for disabled people. Sure, the guy plugging his nonprofit might be irritating, but there's no way it's more insulting than "haha, deaf people have to wave their hands to

It's okay, Buzz. You'll always have your memories, and you can wander around, shitting up comment sections with bizarre non sequitirs about her taste in food from over a year ago. Hillary will never fade, as long as you keep her in your heart.

Please, like we haven't been living inside the GTA universe for the past year anyway.

Paul Ryan's immune to Ebola. Can't bleed to death and shit your guts out if you're a bloodless, gutless cretin.

Thank you— the actual term I was thinking of is "expulsion," which similarly requires a two-thirds vote of Congress.

Rage Against the Machine had a #1-selling album the same year that Paul Ryan took office, you absolute clod.

You really miss having her around to give your life meaning, don't you?

He loves and respects authoritarian strongmen in general— see his call with Duerte. He's got a banana republic dictator' love of macho-ness, and Putin said vaguely nice things about him.

He might have known it then. The spirochetes have certainly gobbled it up since then, though.

No, he'd be a terrible Rogue— they're a very team-based class with a lot of skills. I'm thinking Warlock, albeit a poorly-optimized low-CHA build.

Best vanity plate I saw was a bright yellow Hummer with the license plate "JAGERBOMB." I found myself wondering how many times they got pulled over in a week.

Yep! Unless they impeach him or he resigns, he can serve from prison. He can't show up to cast any votes, and he can't do his job, but he can only be removed through impeachment proceedings.

Mark Meadows cried about how he doesn't want anyone with preexisting conditions to lose coverage, after being the man most responsible for that section of the bill. Fucking scumbag. I used to live in his district, too, until they gerrymandered my city out of it so that we couldn't stop people like him from getting

John Wick 2 expanded on the mythology of the first one, and I liked it better.

You sure you can't call him? I'm pretty sure he's on the line.

That casting director turned that opportunity YES.

Like I said, third best. Just keep your fuckin mouth shut.