
Hey, Southland Tales might be hamfisted, and mostly unfunny, but it is definitely not milquetoast.

Kingsley seems like perfect casting for it too, which is even more of a shame.

Eh, I spent enough of my life on Sarcastic Shitlord Internet. Post-Election, I'm trying real hard to actually be nice to people, especially after catching myself snapping at people here for no reason a couple times. World's unpleasant enough as it is.

No worries. Thanks for turning out to be a reasonable person!

I'm sold on this, especially if they keep Walken on board for some roller-skating dance numbers.

No, it's usually a unilateral decision by an editor. Not the article writer, though. They've confirmed this multiple times, usually whenever someone's complained about the headline not matching the text or tone of the article.

It's not, actually; the headlines here aren't done by the writer.

Thanks! All I remembered was that his mother was somehow involved. That is even more ludicrous than I remembered.

Mueller is special counsel, not a proscutor— he serves at the discretion of the Justice Department and has to run funding and indictment decisions by them. He had some independence, but the executive branch can still limit, impede, or fire him, and his role is more investigatory than a prosecutor's would be.

Only if he believes that he'd be found guilty. He hasn't let reality get in the way of his massive delusions yet.

Man, remember in Wolf of Wall Street, when Jordan is going through a break-up with his wife, and he comes across as a weird soulless child incapable of love or empathy, and how it occurs in front of that giant gilded facade with the word TRUMP across the top of the frame?

He likes the ice cream dessert that looks like a clown, because it has a piece of bubblegum for the nose.

Thanks for clarifying— I had read the article immediately upon waking up (which is great for my mental health!) and had apparently gotten fuzzy on it.

Apparently, I did mischaracterize his reaction— there's not an indication that he was angry, I was just misreading the phrasing of the headline. He did, however, not realize that he didn't just have a standing invitation and would actually need to request one. The meeting almost fell through because Trump's advisors

Plus, when Morrissey records a song about how the Queen or Prime Minister should be deposed and executed, we know it's just satire!

Those pictures of slouching, miserable Francis are my everything right now.

God, there's one Law and Order— I think it's the original— where Colbert plays an unassuming nerd who murdered… his mother, I think? Anyway, as he's doing his breakdown confession, and the music swells, it is like 5% away from pure Noblet, and it's glorious.

You know who else was the child of an immigrant from a nation with a history of sectarian violence and civilian bombings? Stephen Patrick Morrissey.

And Morrissey himself is the Manchester-born son of an Irish immigrant, no less. If we're starting the deportations, can we start with him?

Because he's evil, and he lies, and if he should die, I'd feel sad, but I won't cry.