
We know Rich wasn't the leak because there's absolutely no evidence to support it, that's how. Someone can't simply fabricate a conspiracy theory without any facts supporting it and then claim that it might be true because there's also nothing contradicting it. By that logic, you could claim that Bernie was behind the

Baywatch may occasionally feint toward satire, but it mostly just wants to trade some funny pics and look at some boobs, bro. It’s like a movie version of The Chive."

In Hamlindigo Blue, no less.

Dead Man, dude. Ed Wood.

Remember when this man was in good movies? Like, among-the-best-films-of-the-decade good?

There's a lot in View to a Kill that doesn't work (so. much. horses.), but Jones and Walken are just magical in that film.

View To A Peaceful Death, Surrounded By Loved Ones.

Now run an article on classical gas!

There's definitely ways it improves— it's faster, more stylish, less obtuse, and has better combat and dungeon design. 4, though, I think has a better-constructed plot (although I think 5 actually has a stronger handling of themes and does more with its fantasy elements) and captures a certain kind of tone and mood

I am reminded of Burroughs, when asked when he stopped wanting t be president: "at birth, perhaps, if not sooner."

I disagree. I do feel that it was somewhat padded and had pacing issues, but it felt big and meaty, and I loved the last act. I really, really dug the reveal of the final boss and the ending, and how much it kept up the spirit of anti-authority rebellion that whole way through.

You do not, in fact, have to be friends with someone to comment on something, especially if that is posted in a public group, you use Facebook for business, or if you are one of the millions of people out of Facebook's one billion users who is not computer-literate enough to alter your privacy settings— and people

There's a difference between "bring it out and go to toes with it it" and "let neo-Nazis post death threats on my family's baby pictures." Facebook users have a right to be free from harassment, and if I want to use the website to talk with my family and keep in touch with friends I shouldn't have to simultaneously

Look, all I'm saying is that Griffin needs to stop pandering to SJWs by doing the jokes he likes and start doing the jokes exactly the way that I want him to, so that it won't be pandering and we can get a Tex-Mex food pun out of it that is very important.

Well, if you're into one of their other podcasts, there's plenty of Garryl discussions.

Fair enough— I haven't seen the film in years and mostly remember Bowie and Wright's performances, so it's possible I'm assigning more value to it than I'd see on rewatch.

Schnabel is also a painter, and did a really great and pretty unflinching artist biopic in Basqiat.

Coconut rum and syphilis.

Not to mention for France.

Oh, don't get me wrong— I don't mean to diminish the Taco Bell bell's contributions in any way, only to point out that Buzz contributes less to this website than literally one joke.