
That's only if, unlike his last two divorces, Trump doesn't have it built into the prenup that all the child support gets cut off if she damages his reputation in any way.

Probably can't even be combative.

Not in any form you'd recognize it.

"I have noticed something in Mitt Romney’s name, which I think speaks to what he is about. If you just rearrange a few letters, Romney becomes R MONEY. I believe Mitt Romney wants to get his Mitts on R Money. He would like to get it and divide it up with his friends, the Big Money Bunch. I believe he would like to get

Plus, Elric only tried to fuck his cousin before burning his whole kingdom down in a fit of vanity and petulance. That's a few too many branches away on the ol' family tree for Donald T.

Please don't diminish the real world by comparing it to stuff like Tolkien or King.

God, it's just like I've always said— we should have elected Adlai Stevenson.

Hey, Buzz? Go fuck yourself.

I wouldn't say that everyone knows— it seems unfair to require someone to know enough about a poster to know their real-world race and post history before they can flag a post with a racial slur in it, especially given how many racist assholes pop up in anything related to Leslie Jones. I don't think he should have

I've got great news for you!

Once they're juiced, you measure them in volume, not number.

First ad tragedy, then as farce, then as unwitting satire, then as melodrama, then as farce again, then as allegory, and finally continuing in a downward spiral of farce.

I don't think you need to specify. The only difference between this and early-stage capitalism is that there's less mangled orphan hands in the juice.

Or like someone's Neapolitan grandpa.

Answer: it's good stuff.

I definitely get the Giger vibe, with equal parts Franzetta.

Holy hell, that's horrifying. If there's any resource available where we can lend the guy a hand or show support, let me know.

"So who gives a shit about shining a light on Guantanamo Bay or NSA domestic spying?"

Nobody would be convicted of rape in the US under these circumstances, yes. Because the US has a horrific track record of prosecuting rapists and backwards laws that make pressing charges for anything short of violent, forcible penetration nearly impossible.

Update: somehow I'd missed the Smiths quote in the lyrics of "Rain in Soho." Was this album specifically intended for me when I was 16?