
Like a lot of French gins, it's less citrus-y and more spicy. Citadelle especially has a touch of cumin and almond to it, making it a little more earthy— if the Negroni is your go-to, I highly recommend it, as I tend to find those kinds of gins to really shine there.

So happy Le Pen flopped hard. Not just for political reasons, but personal— my aunt and uncle are U.K. expats living in France, and I was a little terrified for them. They've already had one of their countries forfeit EU membership and I was scared they'd lose another; while I never expected Le Pen to win, I couldn't

Please, like the French would need a special website for affairs.

Gin! The stuff that turns me into a one-man Hogarth print, and the reason I don't drink vodka any more. My first liquor and, close after whisky, my second-favorite.

I dunno, he seems down for anything.

The meme started to get big and get traction outside of chan culture, and those users felt very protective and possessive of it. As a result, there began this weird movement to make Pepe an offensive meme so that "normies" wouldn't use him, because chan culture hates when people "steal" its memes (even though Pepe

That's not even remotely relevant to my criticism. My issue isn't that it's not realistic, it's that it's nerd-baiting trash that uses references in the place of actual plot or story and presents an escapist fantasy where being good at video games and memorizing trivia makes its unlikeable nerd protagonist the most

People did figure out that one of the magazines in that pile had bikini photos of his ex-wife in it, no joke.

"The band is considered as one of the most influential post-hardcore acts of the late 1990s and early 2000s.[25][26] Their style has also been called punk rock,[27] emo[28][29] and art punk."
—their Wikipedia page

The main character saves the world because he's able to recite all the words to Monty Python and the Holy Grail from memory.

You will be ashamed of your words and deeds.

In your defense, that is exactly the behavior I'd expect from a generic indie kid.


People got so mad at that awesome Liturgy cover of Shellac because it reformulated the song into something new instead of just being a slightly worse version of the original.

His article about Leonard Cohen last year was one of the best things I've read on this site.

Given that the last article about this movie had the comments completely derailed by one guy spouting conspiracies and ranting for paragraphs at anyone who told him he was wrong, I don't have super-high hopes for this comment section.

Man, Verhoeven's leftist cynicism, coupled with his complete lack of fear in portraying his characters as vile and craven, would basically be a perfect fit for an Assange film. I'd love to see that.

Man, these comments are giving a lot of self-identified leftists a chance to finally let off some steam and make hacky "triggered snowflake SJW" comments, huh?

Nah, SWC is my favorite live action comedy and I didn't really care for this joke. Like, I'm not outraged or anything, but I think that show's really risky comedy had more going on, and was more justified by the tone and context, than Colbert, while not playing a character, tossing out a tired and uncreative dick

That's a good take.