
Same here. Colbert's allowed to make a joke that doesn't land or that is kinda thoughtless, especially after nearly two decades of really gracefully handling similar subject matter. Colbert's fine by me. It's the people telling me that I have no right to get offend or going to absurd lengths to defend a clumsy dick

If Putin was a woman, the joke would never have been made. Sex between men is comedy shorthand for emasculation and weakness in a way that no heterosexual sex act compares to.

Thanks for being, like, the only other person here making this argument. I tried in the other thread where it came up and just got a wall of text about how forced sex is good comedy.

I'm pretty sure that trying to privatize all our infrastructure and sell off public lands is literally the opposite of communism, but okay. Sure.

A belabored setup to make a reference to a terrible line show everyone hated?

Nah, I'm familiar with humor, and I didn't have a huge issue with the joke, although i think it wasn't very funny. Strangers With Candy is one of my favorite comedies of all time and Colbert did lots of really good comedy about sex and terrible gay relationships there; it was just more complex. I don't really have a

A miniseries can only sell one year's worth of ads.

I thought that it was a miniseries. Learning that it's not makes me much less optimistic about the first season.

"…Indicates that the well-received series will eventually expand beyond the bounds of Margaret Atwood’s novel."

It would definitely be a misognyist joke if it was about Hillary. Imagine if Hannity had joked during the campaign that Hillary was so controlled by Mexico that she wanted to deepthroat Nieta. Do you think anyone on the left would be defending that joke as not being misogynist?

If he'd said that a woman president was being dominated by a foreign leader and that she was sucking Putin's dick because of it, then yes, it would be a misogynist joke. The whole point of the joke is that he's emasculating Trump by saying he sucks dick, which requires, as its core premise, the idea that men who suck

The only reason it didn't make my list is that I don't usually go for online multiplayer. But yeah, it's amazing— and as a Sega nerd, it's great to see Nintendo paying homage to Jet Set.

I'm really looking at best by contemporary or modern standards, which means that— despite the vast improvements he made to society —I'm not really considering a theocratic emperor who ruled over a society of serfs. I'm not debating Peter's greatness at all, but I meant more that Gorbachev was the only Russian leader

You should be pretty good to jump in (although the earlier games are still fantastic). It's really charming and beautiful, and the Pikmin games offer an experience that nothing else really does.

Le grand non rouge, technically.

True fact: I've eaten at a restaurant that had, as an appetizer, a gravy flight. You got two biscuits and three little ramekins of different gravies.

Man, the Wii U was a tragedy. It didn't have a vast library, but the system's 5-10 best games were among the best in Nintendo's library. You've got 3D World, Bayonetta 2, Smash 4, Pikmin motherfucking 3, Mario Kart 8— damn, that's a lineup.

See also: the dominant show of the pop-cultural and critical landscape of last year being a solid B, maybe B+ Stephen King homage.