
Mmm, gimme that sweet sweet Zizek. I love feeling smart.

Haha, dead on. That's one of my favorite jokes in that book/movie.

That's such a class act, although I wish he'd done the voice in the second one— the role was definitely lacking without him.

As long as they're not threatening our democracy by allying themselves with the New Black Panthers, or are part of those savage street gangs that randomly assault white people for sport.

Rot in hell, ya old bat.

No, you've got it a little confused. Megyn Kelly doesn't hate all darkness, just people with dark skin.

Suicide Squad's song were really, painfully on-the-nose (Spirit in the Sky when there's a magical beam in the sky, House of the Rising Sun while showing a Louisiana prison, Seven Nation Army when they're gearing up) and were all omnipresent, overplayed songs, while GotG had some deeper and weirder cuts. Every SS song

It really is. So goddamn dense with hits, too— growing up and only hearing the songs on the radio, I couldn't quite believe that they were all from one record.

Michael Shannon's deadpan weirdo attitude is consistently amazing. See also:

Does Manimal even like the DCU, though? I've only ever seen him bragging about it beating Marvel in arbitrary categories or calling people Marvel fanboys for not liking it. I don't think I've ever seen him actually defend the films on their own merits.

Nah, Boll knows his films are shit.

It was bad.

I'm not sure that melon-headed dullard even knows what sex is.

That's always a weird thing. In Blue Velvet, Laura Dern's character goes to the same high school I did, and there's a shot where she's watching her boyfriend train in the athletic field from the front lawn of the school. In real life, there's four lanes of busy downtown traffic and a median with trees between those

Yeah, I can't really get behind the narrative of "indie rockstar trolls out-of-touch old guy renowned for decency and kindness." I don't think Newman's being as hostile as this article makes out, though— it seems fairly good-natured on his part.

If anything, that's an incentive. Game companies both hate and don't really understand the secondary market, and they'd rather get 5 bucks for their IP than have a private seller get 50. If this threatens used game stores, game companies will see that as a plus.

Aww, I love that weird sound card. It made multi-platform releases sound kinda like ass, sure, but a lot of Sega's first-party titles got some great noise and music out of its weirder elements.

My Dreamcast sees a lot of use. The Dreamcast library has aged pretty well, just because it was such an oddball collection and offered a lot of unique experiences. Seaman, for example, is a legitimately great game that is also one of the weirdest goddamn things I've ever played— it's hard to complain about the

Holy hell that's awesome.

People who don't count Season 2 among the Golden Age can go to hell and drink nought but burning hot cola. Lisa's Substitute, A Brush With Greatness, Itchy and Scratchy and Marge, Bart the Daredevil, One Fish… it's an embarrassment of riches, and even if it's not wall-to-wall funny like later seasons it hits its