
Sometimes in Fallout, I'll explode a person's head and the chunks won't move— they'll just hang in midair in a fully-assembled cranium. I absolutely consider getting to experience that bit of weirdness to be worth dealing with jiggly corpses and nonsensical AI.

It's understandable— and lord knows if I'd made Morrowind, which is a strong contender for the greatest of all time, I'd be pretty reluctant to move on too.

I know, right? If nothing else, who on earth wouldn't prefer the former?

Why? Why did you have to get this started?

If nuking Radiohead means I get to skip out on my high school years of listening to my friends talk about Radiohead for hours, then hand me my cowboy hat because I am Slim Pickensing the hell out of OK Computer.

I can't stand nu-metal, but I'll definitely back you up. Metal subgenres in general tend to be very narrowly-defined. Nu-metal certainly has as much intra-genre variance as thrash or death metal, but most people making that comment wouldn't listen to enough to know.

Nah man, Kansas put out a new album just last year.

I recall him really liking it, except for all the violence, which he found somewhat excessive.

Well, Orson's an idiot.

Yes, if you're only including network shows— which make up a minority of the way that television is now consumed—Gotham is a moderate success, moreso than other network superhero shows, despite its declining ratings. (The numbers I was consulting weren't Netflix-provided, by the way, but were actually done by

Which only matters if superhero shows are the only shows that exist. It's doing the best among a series of shows that are uniformly not doing great on traditional TV. Not to mention that, since you're so keen to compare it to Marvel, you should also be factoring in Marvel's shows on Netflix— which are pulling in

It is true for most TV shows, but a 50% drop in ratings over two seasons, with a 19% drop from season 2 to 3, doesn't mean it's "keeping its viewers year-to-year," just that it's not losing them as fast as another show. Being the 61st-highest rated show on TV isn't exactly something to trumpet from the rooftops as an

Gotham's ratings have declined every season and season three is pulling in, on average, half the viewers of season 1.

There's a good chance they're in both, though I know I've seen the former in Skyrim. All of Bethesda's games are still running on a heavily-modified version of the freaking Morrowind engine, which is 15 years and three generations old at this point. There's some glitches (like how water turns invisible if you keep the

I did not dig the first one, but I'll always remember the column noted pustule Orson Scott Card wrote where he praised it as a movie that finally had the courage to reveal that global warming was a hoax and tell us the truth about the effeminate environmentalists who want to kill us all. One of the most bizarre film

What if we feed the wieners to Hannity?

Clearly, Just Ask This Scientician preferred oral sex to oral hygiene.

May I suggest chucking him into a hot dog machine?

It's all going to fall apart when his wife reveals that she caught him in bed with a goblin.