
Can't wait for the Hellboy prequel that's just 42 minutes of wordless, squirming tentacles between the stars every Sunday night.


Can't read this without thinking of the audiobook of The Areas Of My Expertise, in which Hodgman drones in perfect forced sunniness about Great Places for Crab! while Jonathan Coulton plays terrible morning talk show music.

Any island you isolate those three on counts as being populated by mutant cannibal freaks the instant Jones has to miss a meal.

Yep, that assertion is very ill-informed. Not only is it fairly well-known, by you don't have to get more than two words into his Wikipedia bio before it reads "born Krishna Bhanji."

You don't need to include "Elder Scrolls" in that first sentence. Morrowind's my favorite of all time and still the best fantasy setting I've ever played in a game.

Thanks for your posts though our these comments— they've been really precise and informative.

I wish this got talked about more. I don't know if I was truly suicidal as a teen, as I never attempted it, but I dealt with constant suicidal ideation and was obsessed with the idea. A 13-hour drama, aimed specifically at my demographic, about everyone feeling bad for someone and realizing how great she wa after she

Cox media is a disappointment. I was hoping for a non-stop stream of quality Brian Cox entertainment.

Last time I tried, it was a fiasco.

Man, I'm hoping for a game set in the Black Marsh with some MGS3 levels of unrelenting jungle horror. I know it's not going to happen— you don't sell 10 million copies with the premise of "like Mississippi meets Cambodia, full of lizards and plague!" —but it's a crime that TES has all these amazing settings and lore

If I recall, the book implies that he's specifically an iteration of Czernobog brought over by Czech immigrants.

We threw out our governor because of a backlash to transphobia. Plus, he's working in Greensboro— a major university city with a lot of Northern transplants that prides itself on being more metropolitan and is the third-largest city in the state.

No. He should be fired for going on TV and advancing the view that transgender people are lying about who they really are and that to be transgender is to be inherently deceptive. This exact argument gets thousands of transpeople murdered. It's vile and reprehensible.

Transracialism isn't a thing because race is purely an externally-created social construct, as the Wikipedia article you cited states, whereas gender can arise from a combination of biology, psychology, neurochemistry, and social construction. You don't "feel" your race in the same way you do your gender— infants and

Don't undersell it. During her time on Fox, she was arguable the most racist person there.

CRJ is great, but I worked in a mall during the height of "Call Me Maybe." So I have a hard time loving her.

The eternal dilemma. I keep going back and forth myself. What was bad in Suicide Squad was worse, but there were also a couple of bits I liked. It's the choice between a terrible movie with a couple good ideas or a pained, 3-hour slog of mediocrity. I'm usually tempted to pick SS as better, just because it's a more

Yeah, I can't hate that film just because of how amazing Travolta is. It's a level of ham beyond even his work in Face/Off.

Man, this is a great question but also kind of a bad one unless you introduce some caveats. Because everybody on earth saw Attack of the Clones in theaters, and it's worse than 95% of movies.