
Does Mexico even have enough money to pay for the wall? I'm not sure many countries could afford to fork over a few hundred billion in liquid assets.

I'm really happy that Arrival got a Best Picture nom, and that Villeneuve got the Best Director (which he deserved to be up for last year, too). I hope that people notice how well an idea-driven, mid-budget sci-fi did and start taking notes.

But now that it's boring and stupid, Buzz finally fits in!

Every Scottish person does it!

Also, the most important part of either of them is Sabbath.

The three words that best describe the movie are as follows, and I quote:

Let's be honest— it's not "the Russians." It's Stalin. Stalin didn't want to believe that Hitler would betray him because Stalin didn't want that to happen, and no one would ever tell him otherwise.

No worries. If you're uncomfortable with it, you certainly don't need to feel compelled to use it just because it's now accepted in certain contexts.

It's okay if you're using it critical/cultural discussion, but not if it's an insult. The difference between "black" and "the blacks."

"Baby," like a sweetheart or crush.

What are you talking about? There's no homoeroticism in Kojima games.

Persistent or not, that cat is almost certainly dead now.

They're both incredible sitcoms. I don't have much more to contribute, but she was a titan of comedy like very few others.

There is no correct usage of "social justice warrior." It's a sarcastic insult that no one interested in having a conversation uses.

My experience with him, and thoughts about him, basically verbatim.

Anyone who can wring something out of that script and direction deserves credit.

As far as recent things the Academy might have actually seen: Carol getting snubbed for Best Picture consideration last year really threw me. I walked out thinking it was going to be the winner— a craftsmanlike, lush period piece with great performances and a powerful social message that was also really good —and

Hail, Caesar! does have one increidble musical number, though.

Four of those are Hank Schraeder, though, so that's pretty cool.

My obsessive Morrowind fanboyism cant let me root for people who want to give the Dunmer a hard time.