
To quote the bitches: "Bye Bobby."

Thanks for posting this— I love those behind-the-scenes features. It's such a strong cast (between those two, Cox, and Ray Wise, it's probably the best villain ensemble of all time), and they have so much fun chatting about the movie.

What a mensch.

The Trump administration is already more corrupt and full of cronyism and sexual misconduct than Harding's was.

Don't forget that they also run a private mercenary company!

According to sources close to the cabinet, yes. That is actually, literally what happened.

Don't get my hopes up.

Or he's stoned. That seems to be a safe bet.

Your buddy's dad's biscuits were terrible!

He'd be better on gay rights at least, what with fucking anything that moves.

I saw the film last year, when it got a special theatrical re-release after Wilder's death. That line read just brought the house down.

Which Marlene Dietrich actually did! We broadcast her singing old German songs to make the soldiers homesick and break their morale, and she got a medal of freedom for it.

They've been done to death now, but those are the first farts in film history. It's one of the most historically important scenes in comedy, which I think is enough to make it still be funny, just for he absurdity of it.

I think "a shitload of dimes" is probably Trump's stimulus plan.

And the Elephant Man! Not only did Brooks give David Lynch his big break in Hollywood, he also coined the absolutely perfect phrase "Jimmy Stewart from Mars" to describe Lynch.

I think Little's the better choice— he's got a softness and wholesomeness to him that Pryor lacks. Pryor's incredible, but he's high-energy and confrontational, whereas Little plays Bart as a decent guy who just wants to get along and doesn't deserve all the shit he gets. There's almost no anger at all in Little's

Hey, it worked for the Tsars!

It's spelled "Melania."

Space Jam is bad, but it's an important part of the Barkley: Shut Up And Jam Gaiden: Chapter One Of The Hoopz Barkley Saga canon.

You'd come across as less pro-war-crimes if you didn't immediately dismiss a report about war crimes by a veteran reporter, despite having no evidence of any journalistic wrongdoing. The Intercept has had mixed results, but this story has been treated as legitimate by every source I've seen discussing it.