
Matthew Cole has a really solid track record as a journalist, has been covering stories like this for years, and has consistently been proven correct, and also why do I care what some Breitbarter who uses "anti-Western" as a synonym for "anti-war-crime" thinks?

I mean, there was one significant thing that happened to Tangerine Dream in the past couple years, but I wouldn't call it great.

That's… what? How does someone become a Neil Young fan without realizing how hard that man can shred? Did they not hear "Southern Man?"

I like it a lot— it's utterly committed, and Young clearly dig into music like Kraftwerk to figure out what made that sound work, rather than just imitating it. It doesn't sound like a Neil Young album with synthesizers, it sounds like a legitimate krautrock/synthpop album.

I keep saying Tiberius, the paranoid asshole who refused to even come to Rome, spent most of his time living in his private resort, and just let the corrupt senate drive the country into the ground in his absence.

With the liquor and the drugs? And the sex machine?

A film being eligible for both is still weird, though— it makes it seem like the foreign picture category is a lesser category,rather than a separate one.

Thanks for saying this— every time the subject comes up (which is a lot, because I love Jim Broadbent), I have to remind myself that Moulin Rouge isn't what he won for.

I don't suppose you have space for "Thus the American dream turned belly up, turned green, bobbed to the scummy surface of cupidity unlimited, filled with gas, went bang in the noonday sun," do you?

It is entirely possible that the isolation is driving him insane. Like, the man does not even seem to be reasonable or coherent in a lot of his decisions lately.

Huh, they released this within a week of reports that Seal Team Six have had a years-long habit of desecrating corpses and killing targets against direct orders.

It's certainly one of the most joyous times I ever had in the theater. I've yet to show it to someone who didn't love it.

Very well-researched, but I'm not a fan of the decision to write so much of it in prose format, with dialogue and characterization, rather than as a work of history/journalism. If you're interested in the subject, though, it would certainly be valuable. It's also focused predominantly on the business and marketing

It's definitely a possibility, but I think it's intended to be ambiguous.

Besides Aguirre, you mean?

Not when we finally elect a chicken president.

Isn't gay picnic that thing Rabin's always writing about?

Of course you'd say that, you're Francis Wolcott!

Say what you will about his obsession with death and attempt to overthrow the government for aesthetic reasons, but Yukio Mishima was a hunk.

Oh, like that position would ever not go to a white man.