
So in order to protect public education, you're supporting a party that wants to gut public education funding and lower teacher pay? Whatever costs the Democrats want to impose on public schooling is nothing compared to what Trump's secretary of education will do, e.g. try and privatize the entire education system.

No, you get vitriol because you're acting like a horse's ass. And doing things like calling other poster manbabies.

No— they all got hired by Trump!!!

Aw, good for him!

In a seller's defense, there's a LOT of blow packed into those grooves.

Is there any better condemnation of the DC universe than the fact that Amy Adams plays Lois Lane and this isn't the greatest thing ever?

I'm the Herzog-ian sense of "the ecstatic truth," sure! People did bad things for dumb reasons and dumb things for bad reasons, people die for no reason, and Steve Buscemi's real funny-lookin'. Checks out.

It also made the famously charming and clever Turing autistic, because he a computer-man.

They're celebrities, not warlocks. I'm not going to assume that every single thing about their relationship is part of an elaborate conspiracy and that I can only trust scientifically-verifiable evidence just because they're on a reality show. Everything Kanye and Kim have said or done about their relationship

Kim and Kanye are more in love than just about any celebrity couple and it's adorable. Kim's apparently stayed with Kanye in the hospital almost 24/7.

My apologies. I seem to have made a fool of myself by reading too quickly.

You guys didn't touch on the best part: playable Kenku (for the novitiates: wingless bird-persons who have no language and can only communicate in mimicry). They're one of the coolest races in the whole game and one of my absolute favorite to DM. One of my fondest memories of the game was running a solo adventure for

Yes! I've mentioned it before, but Shannon's one of my favorite actors currently working and Nichols brings out the best in him.

Definitely pay three dollars to see Take Shelter— his performance in that is one of the best of the past decade.

Given that the main characters of this movie are named Ian and Dr. Banks, Inwould suspect the filmmakers and writers agree.

James Gunn totally. The man is not that far removed from his Troma days— one of his last projects before doing Galaxy was co-writing Lollipop Chainsaw.


I like, too, that Louise was not a super genius. She's a very, very good linguist, but the fact that she's vetted, familiar to the man in charge, and already has security clearance is the main thing that gets her the job, not that she's the absolute best in the world. That's a really great touch that does a lot to

Yes. But it still establishes early on that voiceovers and montages will be part of the language used in the movie. The fact that one character has narration does not preclude another character doing the same. The movie also uses montages of news footage to show the world reacting to the aliens.

It also helps that the aliens want and need humanity to learn their language, and thus are probably actively trying to teach it. Not to mention that after that month, the humans still only have basic vocabulary and grammar, and the aliens are communicating in 3-4 word simple sentences.