
The film opens with a voiceover montage.

I hate the demand that anything relating to science be accurate or else it's deserving of scorn. People in the real world don't talk or behave like movie characters do, but we don't have every film about human interaction being greeted by videos analyzing speech patterns and human behavior to prove that dialogue and

Airtightness is for boats, not art. Almost any great work can be picked apart for plot holes and inconsistencies.


Seconding the recommendation for the U Turn Orbit— mine is incredibly reliable, and it's by far the best-looking machine in its price range. Just bear in mind that you'll have to buy a standalone pre-amp or pay extra to have one installed, whereas a lot of the Audio Technicas have one built in (which also means that,

Duckie's a fascinating case study. Like Max in Rushmore, I suspect a lot of people have gone from identifying with him to seeing him as a much more unlikable character.

Ugh, Breakfast Club. Yeah, I hate the way it handles that, and it really does feel like Hughes can't commit to actually praising the supposed outsiders.

I think they're just a bad copy of Diamond Dogs era Bowie, myself.

That Kristofferson selection would be awfully tempting if I still had a CD player. Have a special bond with that man— when I first moved into my current place and was living alone, every Sunday morning I'd get up early and listen to his first few albums while I drank my coffee and did housework. Somethin' bout a

Hahaha, Persona 5 is never coming out.

Every time he says it I think of the joke from Slither:

I watched it in high school because I loved Firefly and my dad insisted I check it out. It really does hold up— a very shabby, humanist show animated by great performances and a lot of warmth. And Vigoda (RIP) is also fantastic on it.

Don't worry, the expanded universe is sure to have tons of fan service of middling quality.

I've been listening to a lot of Kinks to cheer myself up and it's always been accompanied by the thought, "I bet Ray Davies is going to die too."

Fuck death.

I'll probably see the documentary, but I fully intend to illegaly watch it without permission.

Mine too. The best Macbeths aren't afraid to be undignified: he's a weak, easily-led man in way over his head, and Mifune captures that perfectly.

That ending actually improves on Shakespeare. That's how good it is.

Nah dude. Prescriptivism is boring as hell, especially if you're applying it to jokes, in which playing with language and meaning is sort of the whole point.

Oh no.