
I know her career's been rough, but you can't remember Sharon Stone's name?

I was an extra in a few scenes in a John Travolta movie when I was a kid! He seemed to really love being a movie star, but apart from that it was like his brain just shut down whenever he wasn't taking direction and he just sorta nodded and went along with whatever the director was saying. I didn't get to see much

It's not cruel to drown Tommy. It's doing the world a favor.

Have you played Inside? It's a pretty perfect homage to Chahi's work on that and Heart of Darkness, complete with gruesome child deaths.

Bloodborne's a game of the generation, and Sony's got killer support for indies (Hotline Miami 1 & 2 are stone-cold masterpieces). Plus, if you want to kill a night with friends or a partner, Until Dawn is a great use of six hours or so. If you're not going to go back to the earlier consoles, I'd say it's worth making

The Timesplitters games are some of the best in that regard. Big, constantly-spinning heads and guns that make human-mouth "pew pew pew" sounds.

Play Phantasy Star IV: fast-paced, an incredibly quick and fluid battle system, decently-paced, and almost grind-free. Plus it's got some of the best music and sprite graphics of the SNES/Genesis era.

Nah, Season 2 is squarely in the golden age. It's not as outright funny or creative as the show later got, but there's some absolute classics there. "Simpson and Delilah," "Blowfish," and "Brush With Greatness" are beyond reproach, and "Lisa's Substitute" is one of the all-time greats.

"People keep calling him a racist for no reason except for the multitude of reasons that I refuse to read!"

It's hard to believe that people used to respect Neil LaBute!

I know that doesn't seem like very long but try it sometime.

How do you give shitty dreams to Sha'n-on, the pop-eyed nightmare king?

Gary Numan's own.

Why even have a democracy if you're not going to share vape secrets?

I would say it's more true with Murakami than most, just because his obsessions are so clear when they pop up— there's only so many times I can read about whisky, music, capitalism, cats, and women sexually offering themselves to ineffectual protagonists before they start feeling rote.

No, showrunners are the ones that kill horses. Or at least David Milch does.

Man, that subway scene really is great. Spider-Man 2 may not be the artistically greatest superhero movie, but I'd say it's the one that most accurately captures what makes its hero and genre special. Raimi's love for the material just pervades that film.

I thought mouth-breathing bystanders just loved going to superhero movies. Hey-o!

Buchanan was an ineffectual and mediocre president faced with an impossible task— I'm willing to let him be not the worst just because it's hard to think of anyone who could have managed that. Harding and W, meanwhile, managed to tank the country and disgrace the office with almost no impetus but their own greed and

Other presidents have caused depressions, but no one else caused a global economic crisis purely out of spite.