
Plus he basically forced the Obama administration to embrace gay marriage, and the VP debate in 2012 was the most I've ever enjoyed watching politics.

It's up to all of us to take care of the house now.

More than half! Why, it's seventy percent as full as a man's glass!

Yeah, I feel the Dylan backlash is a little much. I wouldn't think of him as eligible, but he's certainly the most historically important and influential songwriter of the 20th century, and his work is pretty fundamental to why song lyrics get taught and analyzed as poetry. He's not my personal favorite songwriter

That's weird, because Kafka's my favorite of his. It might be because it was the first I read, but it just seemed to click for me. A lot of his books have dreamlike imagery and weird symbolism, but in Kafka it all seemed like it had meaning and connections just out of reach, while others (like Wind-Up Bird) just felt

It's a phenomenal book, and also one of the most viscerally disturbing I've ever read. One of the only cases where a book got under my skin so badly that I couldn't sleep— the first time I read it, I tried to stop halfway and couldn't stop picking at it until I finished it. It's a wonderful book about adolescence,

Allied just has the dumbest goddamn premise I've seen in a long, long time. Why would you trust a guy to spy on his own wife? Why would you depend on him to go along with it and to do it without lying to himself? Why would you order him to execute her instead of having someone else do it after you find out? And why,

Saw Arrival. I had high expectations, and they were mostly met. Like everything else Villeneuve has done, it was visually stunning and loaded with haunting, imaginative imagery. Felt very of a piece with Solaris. What surprised me the most was just how emotionally cathartic it was. Granted, I was feeling pretty raw

I can't believe the hate she gets from some people. Even if she broke up the Beatles (she didn't), she also made John Lennon a vastly better, more happy person. And the reaction to her music is just nonsensical— of course it's weird and unpleasant, she's an experimental noise musician and performance artist. Just

It's so fucking good. It's also exactly, 100% the film that I think we all need right now.

Yes. Both of those statements are incorrect. They may, to some extent, be able to understand human languages, but they think differently from us and need us to learn their language for their plans to work, and because their language is a gift that reshapes how we think. They don't communicate in English because

Man, I fucking love Yoko. This is perfect.

Tell that to the party whose national convention fucking applauded someone being acquitted of police brutality, or the president-elect who thinks that five people coerced via police brutality into false confessions are still guilty despite being cleared by DNA evidence and refuses to admit that stop-and-frisk was

Jesus, Sean. Thanks for this.

Jesus, Sean. Thanks for this.

Jesus, Sean. Thanks for this.

Jesus, Sean. Thanks for this.

Jesus, Sean. Thanks for this.

Jesus, Sean. Thanks for this.

I've made this point before, but we are deep within Aguirre here. I plan to be the monkeys, not the conquistadors.