
Should've been a spin-off about William Fichtner's character in Drive Angry. You're welcome, Hollywood.

Yeah, that's a lot of talent that's missing. McKean especially— that man is a comedic master. The pissy, tetchy resentment he has just under the surface of every frame of A Might Wind is stunning.

He was deeply unhinged in Bad Lieutenant and that's probably my favorite performance of his, just because it plays his kookiness as a terrifying mania. He's legitimately frightening at points in that film despite being pretty funny.

Fuck it. Nicolas Cage. No disrespect to one of our greatest living actors, but I don't think there's a man alive who could capture the mania and frenzy more. It would be Vampire's Kiss 2.

They hate him so much they employed him for years, gave him his own show, made him a media star, and let him host SNL.

GW was about as awful at his job as anyone ever has been, and he's still the second-most successful member of that family. Maybe the most successful, given that his pa was a one-termer.

Chubby little loser
No one's bloody laughing
They all just wish he'd die.

Hell, I'd vote for Ox Baker. He started an animal shelter!

Hell yes. My Son, My Son What Have Ye Done was great. Can't wait to see those joys together again.

Gawker also had "noted Donald Trump enthusiast" and "cheesy melty gooey."

A new account! Posting Breitbart memes! Whaddaya need, a roadmap?

The daughter of the son of a gunfighter.

My mother will never let me forget the time she won with "elf cum."

It's true. I have never once seen it lose.

Corman's a damn hero and one of the greatest people in film history. It's hard to think of a great film made between 1970 and 1990 that doesn't owe him some kind of debt. In additon to the list above, I'd definitely include Rob Bottin, effects master behind Robocop and The Thing, who cut his teeth on Piranha and Rock

And the swastika is a symbol of peace in many eastern religions. After the 20th time someone points out that your username contains a symbol on the ADL's list of hate symbols, one would think you'd change it.

At least a dozen people have pointed this out. Don't play dumb.

Yo neo-nazis are pretty deplorable dude. Go back to your basket.

It will be the only interview more painful to watch than the Harvey Pekar ones.

Zack's on the money but it's definitely a different Goats song for me— gotta be "High Hawk Season." All Eternals Deck hit me at a pretty dark time in my life and it's probably my favorite record, but the utter weirdness of that track— the barbershop backing vocals underneath JD's waver, the apocalyptic