
Aliens is amazing— and probably has the better script —but I do love how tight and clean the first movie.

I'm pretty sure you could piece together the entire script of this movie solely from video games quoting it.

Seeing Aliens in my high school film class was a transformative experience. I was definitely on my way to unbearable teenage film snobbery, and I was prepared to roll my eyes at it (I'd also, pop-culture deprived child that I was, never seen the first movie.)

That's the kind of thing I'm talking about! It's arguably THE definitive event of the time leading up to the war. And I think we're primed to finally look at Brown as he really was and to focus on the social climate that led to his actions, not just his wild-eyed godliness. You can argue about the morality or efficacy

You think that's bad, you should listen to you have neo-nazi symbolism in your username.

Nah, Leto could get a reservation at Dorsia.

That's one of many reasons why it's a good thing Klaus Kinski's dead.

There's very little I want more than an honest to goodness real John Brown movie. Such a wonderful and terrible figure in American History.

Same here— I don't care about a Blade Runner sequel, but it's the director, cinematographer, and composer of Sicario doing a sci-fi pic with Gosling. I'm 100% on board.

I've seen Foodfight eight times.

I got hyped for BG&E2 for the first time in… 2008, I think? Yeah, this game's never coming out.

Gotta see this— Buzzard was one of my favorite movies of last year, and that kind of grimy, gives-no-fucks realism sounds like it would make a great no-budget horror flick.

Fuck off, nazi.

No character in a Zack Snyder movie counts as a person.

Never would have thought that fucking Hannibal had the most sympathetic characters on that network.

Yo does having a neo-nazi symbol in your username count as a logical fallacy?

What really infuriates me, even beyond the roboticism of the moment, is the grammar. It's DISPENSE WITH, Marco. You can't dispel with anything, let alone three times.

Nazi punks fuck off.

I mean, if you want to prove the virtue of the UK's political leaders, I'd avoid mentioning pigs.

Nah, that's a lie. Her name is Tard, and they started telling people it was short for "Tarder Sauce" when she got famous and they realized they shouldn't tell people they named the mentally-disabled and deformed cat Tard.