
This is gonna be a weird jump, but this is actually something I love about Universal Soldier: Day of Reckoning. It opens with the protagonist's wife and daughter being murdered in a home invasion but it's an implanted memory carefully engineered to motivate him, because killing a man's female family members is a lazy

Sorry, I didn't mean to paint a vulgar picture.

Uh… Dude? That's actually a pretty dick move, if I know the commentariat accurately. Might want to back down now.

Mine is like two little Morrisey pompadours.

"Jesus wept."
-uncle Frank

That's part of why I really dig Nicholas Roeg's shot-for-TV Heart Of Darkness— Malkovich's usual remove translates into making Kurtz this almost inhuman figure, in much the same way that Brando's complete not-giving-a-shit did.



For me it's all about balance. Like, I'll rip some songs from YouTube, and that's stealing, which is a venial sin, but I'll also pay almost 30 bucks for the vinyl reissue of the Robocop soundtrack, so that's like buying an indulgence.

Is it depressing that when I read a review of a new Burton film and see "it isn't literally painful to look at" held up as a plus, I think, "aaaw, good for you, Tim."?

I'm a DePalma apologist and I will absolutely go to bat for the remake being a classic— a gaudy, amoral, coke-fueled opera of American sin and excess. Hammy and over-the-top, sure, but simply amplifying the classic gangster films to their beital extremes. If the Godfather is the Hamlet of crime films, Scarface is the

Man, this just makes me hope the Maniac Cop remake is still on track. It such a good premise (Dirty Harry style take-no-prisoners cop gets brain-damaged, turns into killing machine) that's built for some absolutely brutal satire and political horror, but the original is one of the worst movies I've ever seen— and I

You're welcome!

To an extent— the character of Will Graham is 100% where that started, but it's the book as much as the movie, combined with the runaway success of Silence of the Lambs. Manhunter was actually pretty unsuccessful in its release.

Hey, Dino also produced Manhunter! And have my hometown its entire industry!

Space Ghost's petulant "You don't know from fun!" gets a lot of use in my household.

That bit makes me want to go to every record store in my city and put up a banner that says "YOU ARE SO INSIGHTFUL, THOM YORKE."

He'd have to admit to himself that he didn't do 100% awesome best job, so that ain't happening.

When he said he had the best temperament, they actually laughed at him. Not with him. Like, the audience just straight up laughed in his face. I couldn't believe it.

MSG is totally fine— it's a glutamate molecule stabilized with salt, and glutamate is in literally everything savory or meaty. If you can eat basically any food containing both protein and salt, you're getting MSG in its component forms All the powdered stuff does is concentrate and isolate it, the way can sugar does