
It means a female anti-feminist.

Eh, I might as well. First Contact is well-made, but it also has Picard, a man of peace, understanding, and high ideals screaming and mowing down Borg with a tommy gun. FC tries to do its Wrath of Khan Moby Dick thing, but it does a massive disservice to Picard's character in the process. Insurrection is like a

There's no reason to include Khan, and there's DEFINITELY no reason to take a multiracial character played by a Latino actor and written as a eugenically-engineered superhuman and recast him as the whitest, British-est man on earth. That movie had no idea who Khan was or why he was a bad guy in the original series.

I love McCoy bitching about anything and everything.

That was beautiful.

I mean, my general point is hat Miyazaki is both over-praised and over-exposed. I've seen every single thing in pop culture get a "what if Miyazaki directed it" remix and it's tiring. This was a nice video and did an alright job imitating the art style, but I'm tired of the way that Miyazaki, and only Miyazaki, is

You know, Internet people, there's animators besides Studio Ghibli.

Dude doesn't own Fun House and threw out two Sunset Rubdown albums? I can't think of a column that would be more effective at infuriating 22-year-old me.

I hear you. Hillary will likely not be an amazing president, and I disagree with a lot of her stances and approach, but I don't see a Hillary presidency as a potential extinction-level event for the human race.

Thousands of people not dying. Kind of a major benefit.

I think one of the moments where I became an adult is when I realized that the Eagles didn't suck that bad— I just hated Don Henley as much as four men.

Beretta holster, right?

Yes indeed. She fucks with Cy Tollicer and learns an important lesson about the Powers That Boothe.

My girlfriend fucking loves Kristin Bell, mostly due to Veronica Mars, and I am THIS close to convincing her to make the plunge into Deadwood, partially based on the argument of it being the work Bell did right before Veronica Mars.

Well, muggle Britain doesn't have slavery, so not JUST like.

The final episode is what makes the show for me.

The idea of using nuclear weaponry on ISIS is flat-out morally reprehensible. Nuclear weapons cause massive collateral damage— especially as ISIS is entrenched in civilian areas —and cause disease and lingering radiation damage for decades. Nuclear weapons exist in their current state to wipe out entire cities and to

Trump has advocated or suggested the use of nuclear weapons outside of that unsourced comment, has proven that he does not understand America's nuclear policy, has repeatedly endorsed proliferation to non-nuclear countries such as Japan and South Korea, and he has advocated forms of torture outside of waterboarding.

I think that endorsing the use of nuclear weapons in a non-deterrent capacity, advocating torture, and repeatedly saying we need to commit war crimes such as outright wars of plunder are bad things. Trump has repeatedly promised to do things that are truly, objectively evil by any moral standards.