
When I was in high school I got really hyped for Fable. And that's why I can't experience hope any more.

Absurd slapstick tinged with heartbreaking melancholia about lost potential and human isolation? Why, that Pynchon fella's done it again!

Throw a rock in here, you'll hit a spambot. And do me a favor, kid. Throw it hard.

You should hear more Talking Heads so that you can learn that they don't.

Everyone's gonna say Cowboy Bebop, but Cowboy Bebop. Akira's score is a little hit or miss for me, but the opening bike chase (with the wood-block drums and the chanting vocals) is one of my favorite pieces of film score of all time, and the creepy hospital music is just wonderful.

Here here. Fucking masterpiece. Id say it's his best work since the 70s.

Pulp's not THAT gross. Okay, "I Spy" and "This is Hardcore" are both pretty sleazy, but who doesn't like "Razzamatazz?"

A lot of good men died in that sweatshop!

The Chicago PD better issue an apology for not playing the hell out of the Man in the Mirror mixtape.

I know this is a couple days old, but having just seen the film: "there's nothing a man can do when he realizes there is no God," is, I'm pretty sure, a verbatim quote from the horror novel The Collector. Which is cool, as that book is great!

Nah. It's a spin-off of a College Humor series that does that instead.

It's easily one of the Coen's funniest movies (the opening monologue has more great jokes than most films fit in their entire runtime), and I always, always cry at the end.

I'm loving how optimistic the album is. Even "Small Red Boy," with its ominous Antichrist imagery and heavy acoustic bass work, is a song about triumphing over the cruelty of earth. AJJ's music means a whole lot to me and I'm so, so happy to see Sean and his gang getting increasingly confident and musically ambitious.

Yeah, but I'm sure he found a way to be miserable.

I mean, I feel bad for him for that. But there's been some reason or another to feel bad for Leonard Cohen since he was 12, so it's not special.

Vinyl listeners sure as shit don't keep their feelings about vinyl to themselves though.

Check the Herzog article.


The Narrator is right— it was one of the best films of last year and featured some of the best work Deakins has ever done.

Really? You're gonna do this on a Simpsons article?