
But Hillary is dishonest and supported a foreign policy that screwed over the third world! That would just be unprecedented in the presidency. Why can't we have great candidates like LBJ, or the Roosevelts, or Eisenhower?

Stop, stop, he's already dead.

Nice to see some love for the original Halo (it feels weird to say that about one of the biggest games of all time, but it gets so much blame for the mediocritization of the genre). It's arguably my favorite FPS ever— even more than some of the venerable greats like Half-Life 2 —just for its truly impeccable design.

Hell yeah.

One of the greatest comic artists ever— his work for EC is some of the most gorgeous stuff done in that era. When I was first getting into comics as a kid, seeing his Crypt Keeper work was a revelation for me. I'd never known that there was stuff that gnarly and lush in that era of comics.

Same here— I like Gosling a lot, but I had no idea he was that capable of physical comedy and wacky shenanigans.

Between Midnight Special's handling of the extraordinary— its ability to maintain real emotional stakes while still delivering fantastic thrills — and the pitch-perfect realistic Americana of Take Shelter, it bums me out endlessly that we'll never get a Jeff Nichols superman movie.

James Cameron once made killer, excellent movies that were also formulaic effects-driven films. Aliens is incredible, but you could use it as a course book for writing an accessible blockbuster action film: the setup is meticulous and precise, the stakes are clear, and the plot clicks into place in an orderly fashion.

The Original Series has the best worst parts of the whole franchise— Spock's Brain is vastly more endearing and watchable than a below-average early-season TNG episode, and I'll gladly take the stoner-intellectualism and old-guy hangout scenes of Final Frontier over Tom Hardy screaming at space-orcs about hate.

Star Trek is inherently aspirational, so I find the question fascinating because it asks people to consider what their ideals are. I'll always love the original series best, but for me it's 100%, no questions asked, Jean-Luc Picard. The man is fundamentally decent while also being much more concerned with greater

Has there ever been an ending of "protagonist shoots themselves and dies" that actually worked [yes, I know that, statistically, there probably has been]? The vast majority of the time it comes off as either ill-conceived or just lazy. It's either that the ending is the most shocking or tragic thing the writers can

I'm going to have to disagree. The Follower is sex, but that's just part of it. I saw the film much more as being about, as a teenager/young adult, confronting your own mortality. All teens have that moment where they learn that, eventually, they are going to die just like everyone else. Sex is an entryway into

Yeah, Vader is all tragic and bitter. I get more of a Immortan Joe / People Eater vibe from those crazy kids.

That's because Vampire's Kiss is secretly a legitimately great film. It took me until my 5th viewing to realize it— Cage kind of overshadows everything —but I'd honestly say it's one of the best in his whole filmography.