
The moment you realize that Pokemon have better healthcare than most people in America and its free.

My first job paid $14/hr, provided two (2) vacation days per year, and the owner of the company described health insurance as a “bonus” which entitled the company to extra effort.

It is not for me, but my #1 recommendation to anyone who asks me, resident petrolhead of the group, what car to buy...I always say Corolla or Camry. For people who don’t want to think about their cars, who just want to drive and have the car always work...they are the best choice.

Speaking from experience, everyone Jalop wants a car with “character” until they need to go to regular cancer treatments, make it to work every day in order to keep their insurance and the hundred other little things we need to do to survive in a apathetic world.

yeah you could easily put a Giulia, Ghibli, 3 Series, C Class...etc. and all their backsides look roughly the same.

They should have never killed Buell.

Harley sells branded accessories so that Baby Boomers can cosplay motorcycle riders.

It’s a fashion brand that the fashion associated with it absolutely turns people off.

I can’t see Harley making condoms as their riders likely have some form of ED.

I have to wonder if we’ll see the same with things like the Rolex Submariner and Porsche 911 in another 20 years.

As someone who’s not a motorcycle guy, or even a car guy, this is a fantastic article. I think the point about Boomers being the target market is the single, biggest cause of Harley’s downfall. It was before my time, but I can absolutely picture how Harley’s were an icon of the counter culture in the 50s/60s, but at

KYMCO and Honda are tighter than you think...

Some seriously good engineering and manufacturing comes out of Taiwan. Like, seriously good.

Kymco scooters are phenomenal. They’re pretty easy to mod for more juice, too. Saw them all over Taiwan, in various states of wear & tear. If I had to pick a scooter, it’d be Kymco.

Subarus are overrated. 

General Electric Bike!

The GM Greenwasher

You win, and you have my vote for “truth-based brand name.”

It’s astounding to me how these nerds are screaming themselves into rage-comas because a phone toy isn’t directly marketed to them.

Holy shit, Gamers are trash.  Just don’t play it if you’re that mad.  Christ...

Nor should they expect it. I agree it’s a bad idea and not what i want. What will i do with this turn of events? Not play it and maybe check out Path of Exile. This Gamers Rise Up bullshit is just embarrassing. They don’t care how angry you rage on reddit. They care if they don’t make money on it. No amount of reddit