
That clears up everything. Thanks again, and good luck for you and your projects! Well, who knows if more questions might pop up some other time ..

Ah. they’re new here apparently.

The brand ? Milk it to death !

Yeah, monetization to death .. The franchise-milking has started!

Wow .. You (brothers?) are awesome ! I’m no engineer (seriously, my field of education and current job are not even remotely related to mechanical engineering), but can I ask few questions ?

This may come way, wayy tooo late, but realized this just now:

Yeah, then things happen:

Good for you. My telephone carrier encourages all their subscribers to shift to paperless billing (bills sent thru e-mail), but all their payment offices refuses to accept your payment unless you bring a printed copy of the bill they sent you thru email.

The problem with the “driverless society” hype, as with almost all other hypes, is that it is hyped in order to artificially increase stock prices of manufacturers. It is mainstream business practice, actually — overhype then overprice. Although I do must admit that the push it generates to progress the technology is

If anything, this infographic simply shows the realization of the late Steve Jobs’ vision “there is an app for everything”.

If anything, this infographic simply shows the realization of the late Steve Jobs’ vision “there is an app for everything”.

In a nutshell:

I’ll give you another cars for comparison/context:

The reactions are pretty much understandable.

“It’s interesting to see how much of an advantage all-wheel drive gives you.”

Do you guys remember dynamite and nuclear fusion reaction?

1. Your traffic safety something bureau will ruin them.

Yes, that’s actually what Mitsubishi have been all the time. Their sedans, being mostly FWD-based, is built around the premise of utility (“family sedan”), while giving best performance available for the platform without sacrificing reliability and serviceability.

Chill up, guys .. At least you can feel happy for the angry grandpa.