
Missing from the Splinter story is the step where contacting his employer was NOT the first step. She told him to own it by suspending his Twitter AND contacting his wife, and he refused to do both. If you’re looking for a middle ground consequence, there it is, and he wouldn’t agree to it.

Somewhere around the 1860s, I believe.

Because attempts to be nice and thoughtful and keep this sort of things only between the harasser and the victim meant that victims weren’t believed and often punished. If it take such harsh action to get people to stop harassing others, I honestly don’t see the problem

And English is sitting on Venezuelan money that they won’t release, as well.

Awesome. Where I live there are three Stop & Shop stores in the area and from what I understand, the locals stopped patronizing them in record numbers. I believe this after visiting the one local competition and it was packed with lines at every register spilling into various aisles. There was such a run on items at


Congrats to them. Strikes work. They take money out of the corporate coffers.

Well sure, I mean the CEO down the street just bought a boat that’s 20' longer than his old one. Surely you don’t expect them to fall behind in the competition of flauting obscene wealth now. /s

BuT uNiOnS DoNt NeEd To ExIsT aNyMoRe!


Okay, but they’re literally called “green cards”......

Yes there is. Drug dealers were smart enough to not waste 7 years of school and hundreds of thousands of dollars in student loans to reach the same ends.

Well, considering that the status quo is already “burning the house down” in terms of the climate, perhaps a major change is in order?  Somehow you’ve been avoiding that little side effect of our current system....

And here we have the utterly disingenuous argument. He has not stated that the nationalization of all industry is his goal, that is a strawman of your construction. Additionally why should anyone bother debating you here? You’re a die-hard capitalist, no data, no information would change your opinion that capitalism

Do you think your trolling is solid in any way, shape, or form?

Even multi-millionaire bestseller Bernie.

Bernie can afford a yacht now btw.

Sparky, yummy’s right

If you’re out to deny the contention that the well-moneyed make the key party decisions, you’re a hell of a lot more out of touch than they guy you’re arguing with.