I did similar work for a few years, and left shortly after watching a patient die due to the inadequacies of the system. It was absolutely heartwrenching, and I just wasn’t emotionally strong enough to handle it any more.
I did similar work for a few years, and left shortly after watching a patient die due to the inadequacies of the system. It was absolutely heartwrenching, and I just wasn’t emotionally strong enough to handle it any more.
not “if”, but “when”.
Did it ever occur to you that it literally does not matter how perfectly curated Ilhan’s words are, and that her very existence is the chum that attracts the Breitbart’s and Fox’s of the world?
It’s fun that Drake uses DMs for something other than hitting on adolescent girls
Hell, they say that to anyone they deem a communist/socialist; “why don’t you give away all your money?” Uh, because we live in a capitalist society where you need money to survive? You can’t walk around in your own self-contained bubble of communism, dipshit. That’s not how economic systems work.
This is like calling today’s sunrise when it’s noon.
And yet, the media still refuses to put a spotlight on Trump and highlight all of his instances of sexual misconduct that he’s accused of.
I personally think there’s a difference between assholes complaining about “PC culture” because they don’t like that they can’t be bigoted anymore, and well meaning, non bigoted and non racist people complaining about PC/progressive nazis who want nothing more than to virtue signal and shame anyone who doesn’t use the…
Biden is the WORST of those white dudes you mentioned. His lead in the polls has more to do with name recognition than anything else. Harris, on the other hand, is a much stronger candidate than her polling numbers suggest; expect her to surge in popularity and make it to at least the final four. She’s smart and…
Let’s say there is a man who leverages his fame to get a $100 mil book deal. We then take most of that and give it to people who actually need it. We don’t stop at this one man though. We apply that policy to people who make similarly obscene amounts of money. There, policy paid for.
Obama’s a fucking troll at this point. President TomatoFace.
Thanks for your service, Barry, now please, take a seat. Listen to neoliberal economist Brad Delong:
Where were you when you realized that Obama was the Centrist in Chief all along?
Fuck his figurehead ass. Dude got a Nobel and didn’t close Gitmo in eight freakin years. Beside his last few months of not giving a fuck he was a complete wimp. Had he shown some more backbone on the ACA it wouldn’t be the shitshow it is now.
I also wonder if the suicides of the Parkland survivors might have triggered something for him. There is some evidence that suicide is “catching” (for lack of a better word), especially among people who share a common experience, like they do with gun violence. It seems relevant that this occurred right after two…
I would happily be named after a video game character
“Healthcare? Everyone should have that. Fuck everyone else’s opinions. It’s a basic right! Freedom of speech? Eh, let the stat...sovereign countries decide!”
While dude was a disturbed, wrong minded monster I really don’t think erasing history is the best way to avoid repeating it. Civilized society sees it for what it is, and while I certainly may be wrong about the dangers of hiding evil vs. the dangers of exposing susceptible minds I do think it’s a debate to be had.
New Zealand is making a big mistake in banning any kind of SPEECH. Yes, Kelleyanne Conway is an idiot, but speech, any speech, should be protected from banishment. That is the deepest truth about democracy.
He knows he has no chance in hell of winning the nomination, and that’s why he tried this move. This is like some creepy dude in high school asking how come the hot girls never ask nice guys like themselves to the prom, thinking the gambit just increased his 0% chance to 0.01%. It never works, and this guy will spend…