
I tend to agree that there is a segment of Sanders supporters that are uniquely toxic and shitty. But we need to stop doing the thing where when anyone comes out against a Sanders policy, then faces an onslaught of criticism, we just ignore the criticism because a segment of Bernie supporters went beyond whatever

I don’t think anybody or anything should be off limits for jokes in comedy, i’ve got mental issues myself but i’m not going to tell comedians like D.L. Hughley and Carlos Mencia that they aren’t allowed to make jokes at my expense, i don’t think it’s “punching down” whenever a comedian makes a joke about mental health

Just some background for you, as he explains in the special, he didn’t know her before she came to his show. After the show he went up to the bar and Daphne approached him and he thought she was going to seriously let him have it for his material. But she actually said she thought it was hysterical, and she thanked

Eh. I wasn’t a Clinton “fan” in 2016, but I did vote for her in both the primary and the general; I didn’t dislike Bernie so much as I felt (at the time; things have changed since then) that his promises didn’t have the force of developed policy behind them—which is one of the reasons I support Warren now. She’s the

The problem is we don’t need “strong advisors.” We need a fighter, we need someone on the inside who has the fire and will to spearhead through the establishment.

Peak neoliberalism on display right here. 

Donna Rotunno is one of my deareset friends and a fierce advocate. If you are ever facing criminal charges, you want her on your side. Do not begin to excoriate a defense attorney for doing her job and defending the rule of law. Criminal Defense attorney’s are one of our last lines of defenses in this country. The

Cum Town is absolutely not a leftist podcast nor does it pretend to be, and implying that one of the hosts of Red Scare should have to answer for her fiancé is the sort of thing you’d scold someone for. I guess it’s not surprising you made this mistake since you admitted that you’ve never listened to it..

I find it massively dumb because Bernie was born for the unvarnished, direct engagement-style political discussion. He could take over Twitch if they applied him properly - the guy created his own no-budget man-on-the-street cable program back in the day, ffs, and owns any town hall he walks into. He understands Twitc

>Bernie leads while Democrats follow. That’s why he’s the clear choice in 2020
Strongly agree
>If you support anyone besides Bernie in the 2020 primary your bitter spite is helping elect Trump
Strongly disagree - I believe Bernie’s the best chance to beat Trump by far, but assuming anyone who doesn’t support him is

I get where you’re coming from, but I ultimately don’t think the battle to organize within the Democratic Party itself is a particularly worthwhile one. To the extent that the party is capable of changing, it’s by degree, not kind, and there has never existed in its entire history a time when it was open to supporting 

Meanwhile Joe Biden works with a union busting lawyer to raise money.

I deal with ignorance swiftly, and with zero mercy.  This is an issue, in particular, which I’ve been studying for years as part of my advanced degree, so all these boneheads with their “but, but, muh cuzin’s wife’s sister’s muma knows someone from Canadia and they heard about this one time that a kid DIED” can choke

Elections do have consequences, which is why you should vote for people who support policies you want instead of voting for someone who supports something you absolutely abhor because they’re (maybe) better than the other person or god forbid they’re “more electable” than the other person. Otherwise you end up like

A) Yes but that happened last time and it still didn’t work out.

That is very nice of you Edge. yummy said it better, I think.. :)

Thank you for adding so much. yummy’s rply below is very well stated, and it - likeyours - includes other factors that are are stretching what coping skills we have to their very limits. My own city is (for now) quietly ‘exploding’ with pent up frustrations resulting from wealth and racial inequality, a hair-trigger

we cannot solve this problem by censoring the fascist ideology of alt-right nazis.

Yeah and you really have to think of all the people who have fragile mental health hearing violent language and feeling desperate. You can’t excuse someone who commits these acts, but mental health professionals have said we are all undergoing a very serious level of widespread stress, added to the already existent

Not at all surprised by this. People are starting to get “hands on” about their discontent and feelings of helplessness. Using the post is cowardly, and this guy didn’t seem to have a particular agenda. If the GOP doesn’t back off with the fascism there will be riots and more. At the moment I’m mostly worried about