
Exactly! He didn't rise to power by general consensus, but by having his brownshirt thugs beat the crap out of the opposition in the streets and then manipulating the public. He then consolidated his grip on power by sending political enemies to the camp. 

She and other women of means aren’t some snowflakes. Policies she helped defend killed pregnant women in Iraq and Honduras. I think she should be able to handle a little public criticism for helping pile-on a WOC, pregnant or not and is a little sexist, imo and a little white-fragility-ish too. She protested

Now playing

And just because I know someone’s going to trot out the fact that Sanders voted for the bill, this is what he had to say, in 1994, about the “tough on crime” aspects of it:

HRC was a qualified candidate, but she had a ton of baggage, some of it deserved, some of it not so much. I understand that hardcore dems found her inspiring, sometimes because she was a woman and sometimes for other reasons, but it doesn’t take a polling expert to see that she had no chance of building an

Ill be honest, I fucking LOVE the snark in this post.

I dont agree with your opinion so it is trash and irrelevant”

It’s an excellent piece, and entirely appropriate.  Her campaign was horrible.  She is the only person who could possibly have lost the election to Trump and she will wear that crown for the rest of her days.

It’s an entirely appropriate article. She ran a garbage campaign. She will forever wear the stain of losing to a guy who wasn’t running his campaign to win but instead as a publicity stunt.

“Is there a tattoo I can get?”

What does a guy whose relatives died in the Holocaust, whose family fled to America as refugees to escape persecution, and whose identity is the subject of torch-carrying Trump nazis screaming “Jews will not replace us!” know about being a minority, right? This is a dumb and false line of attack.

Uh, because people need to know she’s now in the pocket of Pfizer?

Or if we tax corporations and the rich to god-level wealthy, than the people and municipalities can fund these centers, rather than waiting on a billionaire to get a bug up their ass.

Its sad how this couldn’t be more accurate.. Progressive =/= Liberal - I identify as Progressive and say that I’m even more left than Liberal. But I always have to start off with a disclaimer about how I in no way affiliate with Leftist outrage over words and feelings. Liberals are fucking relentless - as you said

School: :: Teaches importance of independent thought, self confidence, and public speaking::

i really do, because now people are empowered to look back at the story and the characters and attribute to malice what should have been attributed to stupidity. the predominant recanting of the narrative by readers is this guy was some sort of predator on young women, which is a justified opinion based on the ending.

We had Christian bodybuilders come do a pep rally where they ripped a phone book in half, bench pressed two cheerleaders, and told us that a girl’s virginity is precious because she can become a non-virgin in an instant, but a non-virgin can never become a virgin. They seemed uninterested in the virginity of boys. I

HAHAHA OH GOD PLEASE LET’S HAVE A WORLD LEADERS ROAST OF TRUMP AFTER HE GETS IMPEACHED. Macron, Merkel, Turnbull, Trudeau, hell let’s invite everyone. It’ll be like the Olympics, only only one night and there’s only one event: roasting the shit out of a disgraceful asshole.

Fletcher also indicted the notoriously liberal city of Portland for having a “white savior complex” (a problem with a lot of progressives), which lets them ignore the teens being targeted in favor of the white men who intervened. He then included a link to a fundraising page for the girls and encouraged viewers to

But I poop from there.